It will never die. It's too good.
What is ?
It creeps slowly to its inevitable end Dom.
Guy asks question: affordable amp
Answer , onkyo or marantz , always
Cd player matching marantz or lol who uses c.d ?
Affordable record player please - Rega or project
It is already shrinking , cheaper cd players a thing of the past despite the obvious sound quality, cheap tacky casings ,souless coloured slabs with an arm bringing that warm sound that only vinyl can while claiming to play a modern c.d presented via the medium of wax as a throwback to the analogue sound of old at twenty plus pound a pop. This all helps fuel an industry of stupidly priced original records who's second hand price is more often than not dictated by age and matrix numbers alone. They are auctioned , coveted and desired. This despite the fact that most of them spent their lives stacked on a Ferguson auto table with a plastic arm and a needle from your mother's sewing box. Pops and clicks are part of the experience. Really?
And we care about the sound quality ?
Look at it from a young person today. Convenience , simplicity , style and affordability.
We are just the last of the old guard , our way doesn't make any sense and we know it.