Vladimir said:
I too hear differences in amps, cables, CD players, different isolation pads etc. I also see the Sun orbiting around the Earth, which looks flat btw. I see a silver disc on the sky at night and to my senses it looks like a plate. But science teaches me otherwise. Should I believe science or my senses?
I think this is a good analogy.
The only problem with it is that we are taught from a very young age that the earth is round and the earth orbits the sun etc... So we accept this as fact and understand our perception as a human standing on Earth is an illusion.
Audiophiles with no/limited knowledge on how their equipment works however are taught by the press that there are night and day differences between CD players, and cables add their own tonal characteristics. Without any scientific or engineering background most people in the audiophile world will believe such claims, becuse it is all witchcraft to them anyway.
Lets face it if we were all conditioned into believing the earth was flat until now, we would all have a hard time accepting that it isn't. So the individuals posting in threads like this who believe the things published in places like What Hi Fi are going to have real difficulty accepting the logic and the science. They are going to keep on trusting their senses and believing that illusion of the sun orbiting the Earth.
The more they have been brainwashed and trusted their ears and the more money they have spent on magic boxes and bits of wire then the more they will resent the science.