iPhone 8 Plus dropped compatibility with Cyrus Soundkey


Jun 16, 2021
Hi All,

New user here so apologies if this has been raised before. I cannot find anything useful after exhaustive searching, especially on Apple forums.

So, Xmas 2019 I received a Cyrus Soundkey to use with my iPhone 8 Plus. I have a pair of Sennheiser HD25II's that have a 3.5mm plug so I had to purchase an Apple camera adapter to use them all together – iPhone, Soundkey, Apple USB to USB-C adapter, Sennheisers

All worked fine until one day, mid-listen, I had the pop-up appear saying 'This accessory is not supported by this iPhone.' And ever since I haven't been able to use not only the DAC but the headphones too as there is no jack on the phone.

I can accept the Soundkey will not work with the iPhone as I have updated the iOS and that never fixed the issue. I looked on the Cyrus website and couldn't see any help, same for the Apple forums.

If anyone on here has experienced the same and can offer assistance then great. If not, any advice on a portable DAC, similar to the Cyrus, that will definitely work with the iPhone then great, I will look into that to purchase.

Many thanks



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That’s appalling! Cyrus still feature the Soundkey’s iPhone capabilities on their website (https://www.cyrusaudio.com/products/soundkey/) so I’m shocked that they’ve dropped support for what is a recent iPhone model.
I use a Soundkey with my laptop and that still works fine
Hi Nial,
Thanks for your response. I have entered so many different search terms, such as 'Cyrus Soundkey incompatible with iOS' etc and really couldn't find anything helpful. I remember the old iPhone charger cables, the 3rd party ones would often lose support. Ideally I would find something with less connections too – I had to use velcro ties and adhesive to make it tidier otherwise there would be a mass of cables in my pocket.

For what it's worth, the soundly still works fine with my MacBook and iMac so I would assume it's the iOS and not the hardware???


I'd go to Cyrus support and ask. The fact that the error came up whilst listening suggests to me that it is unlikely to be iOS.

I'd be suspicious of the cables or the lightning port itself. If you know someone with an iPhone might be worth testing with your cables, on a different device. I assume you did try restarting the phone.
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I'd go to Cyrus support and ask. The fact that the error came up whilst listening suggests to me that it is unlikely to be iOS.

I'd be suspicious of the cables or the lightning port itself. If you know someone with an iPhone might be worth testing with your cables, on a different device. I assume you did try restarting the phone.
Hi, yes I tried everything – updating iOS etc. It works fine with other hardware, just the iPod and iPhone.
Thinking about it, I got a similar message with a third party Lightning/USB cable with my iPhone 8 a while back. I threw the cable out, got a new cable from the reliable Anker and the problem went away. As you’re using Apple cables that shouldn’t be the issue but it might be worth looking at the cables before investigating an alternative DAC
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If @DCarmi could find another iPhone 8 Plus to test that would be helpful. It sounds to me like a hardware problem with the iPhone.

Not me with the problem. I'm an Android user, who has to do some support for less technically capable iPhone users in the family. However, I'd suggest new cables before forking out for a new device. I find you can never have too many cables 🙂


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