Fraz1 said:
the record spot said:
The Quinex is fine for your needs, I use the Qunex 2, which I'd bought a few years ago and - as with most other copper interconnects I used (make that, with ALL of the others) up to the £70, there was no difference that you could audibly hear. The only cable that did, was Nordost's Blue Heaven, a silver based cable, which is generally brighter and which I found harsher to listen to. Too trebly. Other than that, there is nothing that a £70 cable could do that my £7.95 one didn't. You pays your money...
I could not disagree more. I have heard subtle differences between cables but also huge ones,so different in fact it was a doddle to pick out each one from blind testing. The nordost blue heaven is a cracking cable and can often be had on e bay 2nd hand for about £50 and although not exactly laid back the treble is fine in a balanced system.Well worth a purchase. the dnm reson with bullet plugs is also a cracker. I have demo'd it against the qed qnex2 and it was a superior cable.
Forgot that one - I tried the DNM with the Nordost Blue Heaven back in 2008 (from Loud and Clear). The Nordost won out though it was silver and impressed through clarity, but in the end with extended listening, it just made music shrill and fatiguing. Probably fine in the right system where silver would be a good balance for some duller sounding gear.
Thanks for the reminder, I can add DNM to the list which also includes Monster, van den hul, Audioquest and one or two others of expensive cables which made no difference and at £85 (as they were) I remain happy with my decision and the sound quality in my system. Glad they do it for you, but they are a means to an end for me, to wit, connecting one component to another.