Interconnect has created problem


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May 22, 2012
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Hi Guys!


My system is as follows:-

CD Player :- Marantz CD6004.

Amplifier :- Cambridge Audio Azur 650A.

Interconnect :- QED Audio Performance 2.

Speaker Cable :- Norstone Classic.

Speaker Tower :- Wharfedale Vardus 300.

I have chaged my interconnect from "QED Audio Performance 2" to "Chord Crimson Plus with new VEE plugs".

The details has improved, but total volume has come down a bit & BASS has come down.

Namaskara sumit.india

I'll recommend that you should look at using a basic interconnect instead as i feel this will be more good enough for your components. Thereafter if you want to alter the presentation then use the tone controls on the amplifier instead.

Fwiw, i use a basic interconnect to connect a Chord Electronics QBD76 DAC to integrated and pre amplifiers.

Bada mem

Rick @ Musicraft


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Why did you change interconnects in the first place? What were you after?

It's not because something got a 5* review that you'd like it.

And so far for the "cables don't make a difference" theory, right :)


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Feb 19, 2012
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I actually went from the Crimson plus to the QED AP2 - I found the QED to be more open and 'delicate' in the top end, the Crimson being more aggessive and more wearing after long listening periods. What I did not find was a noticeable difference in volume.

That sounds more like a problem with your electronics than anything interconnects would do. If you swap them back does the volume increase or stay low as you discribe?

Check your wireing especially the speaker cables, interconnects make subtle but significant changes to what you hear, clarity, seperation etc but should not affect your sound as you discribe


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May 22, 2012
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Hi Guys...

Thanks a lot ... I did the same. Changed to QED and surprisingly the VOLUME and the BASS has improved. But CHORD is giving me more details. But LOW BASS and LOW VOLUME......

What should I do??? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?


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Aug 22, 2008
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sumit.india said:
Hi Guys...

Thanks a lot ... I did the same. Changed to QED and surprisingly the VOLUME and the BASS has improved. But CHORD is giving me more details. But LOW BASS and LOW VOLUME......

What should I do??? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

My opinion; buy some Silver High Breed interconnects Full stop, full stop, etc etc.


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Feb 19, 2012
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The QED imo is more dynamic than the chord, which as I discribed is an aggresive sounding interconnect.
especially in the upper frequencies, which may explain the more detail

not sure what to advise.... :rofl:

Why not try mixing them, one leg chord the other QED see what result you get, maybe worth checking you speakers are wired in phase too


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sumit.india said:
Hi Guys...

Thanks a lot ... I did the same. Changed to QED and surprisingly the VOLUME and the BASS has improved. But CHORD is giving me more details. But LOW BASS and LOW VOLUME......

What should I do??? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

[Pokes big stick into hornets nest] Is the Chord cable directional, maybe try reversing it?


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Nov 19, 2008
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sumit.india said:
Hi Guys...

Thanks a lot ... I did the same. Changed to QED and surprisingly the VOLUME and the BASS has improved. But CHORD is giving me more details. But LOW BASS and LOW VOLUME......

What should I do??? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

If you prefer the Chord for detail, then turn up the volume & bass controls on your amp. Don't go looking for complicated solutions when a simple one is, literally, at hand.
Hi rob998

But the OP could have also used tone controls with a basic interconnect. Or better still, use a basic interconnect with a GEQ and have much greater control with every track, album and component change.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


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This is true Rick, but as the OP appears to get better detail from one interconnect than another, which I would assume is preferable to him, then all he has to do is twizzle a couple of knobs, rather than a plethora of sliders on a GEQ.

Personallly I'm no fan of using cables as tone controls, especially if I have the facility to alter the tone using a piece of equipment that I already own. My cables are one or two levels up from basic: well constructed & shielded, but nowt special. They do the job they're asked to do, and that's all I expect from them.


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Apr 8, 2011
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sumit.india said:
Hi Guys...

Thanks a lot ... I did the same. Changed to QED and surprisingly the VOLUME and the BASS has improved. But CHORD is giving me more details. But LOW BASS and LOW VOLUME......

What should I do??? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

Option 1. Keep the Chord cables. Move the speakers closer to the wall and turn the volume on the amp up, or sit closer to the speakers.

Option 2. You've already asked the audience. You still have 50-50 and phone a friend left. Decide which interconnect you prefer overall. If you have no overall preferences keep the cheapest.

Option 3. Try another interconnect in the hope of finding something that combines the best qualities of both of them.

Option 4. Check that the Chord cable isn't putting your speakers out of phase with each other by swapping the connections at the speaker end for one speaker to see if you get more bass and volume.

Option 5. Get some better components than what you've already got, starting with better speakers than the Vardus 300's.

The choice is yours.
sumit.india said:
Thanks plastic Penguine....

Any suggestion???

Here we can have KEF, Wharfedale & Polk...

What model and which one??

The only Kefs I've heard are the IQ5 and IQ7. Very good floorstanding speakers, although they are the old models. I think they've been replaced IQ50 and 70. They cost about the same price price.

To be honest, for true hi-fi repro, any of those would be an improvement over your Wharfedales, I would assume.

Try and listen to to a couple of pairs * side-by-side* with your Wharfedales. This is the only true way of knowing.

Hope that helps.

Good luck, pp


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