GSB said:
So how is us as consumers boycotting Chinese made produce going to change this?
Obviously, it wouldn't improve the lives of the people living in poverty, but don't kid yourself that the workers are actually getting any kind of decent money, they are more or less slaves.
The air pollution in parts of China is unbelievably bad, and it's drifting over parts of Japan, so much so that it's affecting the Japanese people's health. These serious issues are swept under the carpet , as are numerous other issues to do with goods made in China. Do a little research, it might open your eyes to what's really happening over there?
China worries me hugely, why do you think they suddenly embraced capitalism? Why are they spending their huge wealth on buying land in other countries? Why are they buying into, and indeed trying to buy a lot of the world's natural resources? Why did they lend money so eagerly to the USA and Europe?
I have a theory, and IMO, this isn't going to end at all well for those of us that are in debt to China, and those of us that don't have our own natural resources.