I read this and thought about just how many laptops and pcs me and my family have been through. I admit that a pc or laptop will play the same quality of music over and over faultlessly, but what happens when your hard drive fails or you get a virus. Its happened to me, i lost all of my university work at the start of my third year and all of my music that i had downloaded and ripped to hard drive. I had a back up on a second drive, but that was infected too at the same time.
Personally i like putting the cd in and enjoying the music. Having to boot up a pc and fiddle about with a mouse and keyboard for me, takes the feeling away of hifi, but i respect that different people have different preferences.
I'm struggling to be sympathetic here.....if you have gigs of data on a HDD you'd be well advised to back it up. I have two backups of my HDD. And while it will save me a lot of effort ripping CDs should my main HDD fail, it hopefully ensures that my photos and videos are not lost forever.
Yeah, i wasnt looking for sympathy lol. Thing is i had done the back up route, it wasnt my hard drive that failed that time, it was a virus that had planted itself, so ofcourse when i backed up to a second drive, it was copied accross and corrupted all the date over time, i have a good anti virus but it slipped past. Im not slamming pc audio, its certainly a lot more convenient for those who leave their pc on, but just saying that i dont want to take the chance converting all my cds to lossless.