MajorFubar said:
I'm with you to a certain extent, but at it's most extreme, this theory would have me believe that the difference in SQ I perceive between my Marantz PM66Ki and something cheap by Matsui is purely down to expectation bias and unscientific testing, and I can't buy that. It's probably more true to say that after a certain quality threshold (not sure how you quantify or measure what that is) the differences follow the laws of diminishing returns, and at that point you're possibly more influenced by expectation bias than the real qualitative differences between products.
No one is suggesting that all amplifiers sound the same, or all cables or all anything else.
There are real differences but they are often overshadowed by other factors. Many cheap products, amplifiers to take your example, are not competant designs by hifi standards so you are simply not comparing like with like.
Take a decent entry level design from someone like Denon or Pioneer, and compare that to your Marantz in a blind test that is configured to make sure that both amplifiers under test are working within their capabilities.
That means setting up a systen with a good and noise free source (digital noise in particular can upset some amplifiers and not others), speakers of appropriate sensitivity and impedance characteristics, beneign speaker cables, level matching the output of both systems then making sure that both amplifiers are operating within their design parameters.
Under those conditions I would be astonished if anyone could tell the two amplifiers apart so the two amplifiers sound essentially identical
in this situation. In the real world, the amplifiers are having to deal with external (electrical) noise, difficult loudspeaker loads, unusual speaker cables and, more often than not, an owner who always wants the music 'just a touch' louder.
These factors can cause real differences, suffuciant in some cases to tell one amplifier from another (still listening blind of course), but it important to realise that in sighted tests these differences are swamped by the effects of expectation bias, placebo effect etc, etc.
I know it is hard to believe that you will be taken in by such effects, especially when you know what to expect,
but you will be, everyone is. It's the way the brain works and there is nothing you can do about it!