i wish mp3 was never born

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[quote user="fr0g"]I wonder if you have heard any well ripped MP3s. I am constantly amazed at the formats bashing. For my money a HQ MP3 is 99% as good as the original recording. A dodgy downloaded one AT ANY BITRATE is often very poor, but use the right tools and they are great. I really struggle to split them sometimes.

As for for CD - FLAC, I would now put FLAC ahead of CD as HDD or SSD is a better transport, and 24/96 files are becoming more available.
As for LP... Less I say the better...,😉[/quote]

And thanks to following your advice with eac (tho im at a bit of a crossroads now, as you know, so ive stalled the ripping for now) i can second the mp3 comments at the top of your post I cant comment on vinyl on a decent deck, or at all on any deck really. I follow your thoughts on hdd/sdd in theory, but havent heard the diference - im almost as inexperienced with CDPs as with turntables. unlike most, i came to "hifi" after id already found myself drifting into using the pc as my source, due to the layout of my flat (if you had said network or wifi to me back then i probably would have looked at you like you'd just grown another head, and im not much better now), and, back then, my speakers were jsut pc speakers with a monstrous sub. Have i reached the "too much information" threashold yet...?
[quote user="fr0g"]I wonder if you have heard any well ripped MP3s. I am constantly amazed at the formats bashing. For my money a HQ MP3 is 99% as good as the original recording. A dodgy downloaded one AT ANY BITRATE is often very poor, but use the right tools and they are great. I really struggle to split them sometimes.[/quote]

All my experience has been with my own ripping. I am not that keen on downloading music- no real reason for this but I like buying the CD's-no I am not rich.

The difference I can hear is very hard to describe as it doesn't fall into the normal hifi pigeon holes we normally use. There seems to be a lack of "inner detail" eg like trying to hear a single violin out of a group of violins-it a lot harder. Also (to me at least) there is a lack of life (I don't mean dull)- analogous to a photograph that was left in the sun and has started to fade.
mp3 was not born, only living things can be born, mp3 was invented and designed so you have your wish because mp3 was indeed never born just as you wanted.
[quote user="vanman"]mp3 was not born, only living things can be born, mp3 was invented and designed so you have your wish because mp3 was indeed never born just as you wanted.[/quote]

I feel a chorus of Bruce's Philosophers Song coming on.
[quote user="vanman"]mp3 was not born, only living things can be born, mp3 was invented and designed so you have your wish because mp3 was indeed never born just as you wanted.[/quote]

Piaget taught us that the developmental stage of 'concrete thinking' is usually between the ages of 7 and 11. Though of course there are exceptions.
[quote user="vanman"]mp3 was not born, only living things can be born, mp3 was invented and designed so you have your wish because mp3 was indeed never born just as you wanted.[/quote]

Your attempt at pedanty is in fact incorrect. And I shall now pedantically prove you wrong, even if I disagree with the OP...
Have you heard of the english word "metaphor"?
It is when you use a word outside its normal literal context to convey meaning... It is a rhetorical figure of speech, or trope
For example... "I died in your arms"
Or "He is a bad apple"...
Or "The coin slot looked at me in disgust"... etc

So the use of the word born is perfectly acceptable... ahem
[quote user="al7478"]Heart! I just died in your arms tonight... Jaxon5, that was v funny. As for you fr0g...ooh, get you! 😉[/quote]

...Cutting Crew... 😉
i bought my first separates when i was about 13 and had to ask my uncle to tuck an hitachi d800 under his arm on his way back from singapore. i've upgraded and upgraded, actually been burgled 3 times too which helped, and have myself a decent system.

i am, however, listening to lots of music via itunes on a decent pc, and i'm enjoying more music more than ever. with new music, if i like what i hear, i'll buy the cd and rip it to 320 mp3.

i took a listen to the sony NAS-SC55PKE/E35HD but it was the morning after seeing foo fighters and my head was still thumping. i'll have to go back and listen to that system again but what i heard didn't do much for me.

i like the sound of the apple mac mini combined with the ADM9s, and it suits my lifestyle to investigate cable-less speakers.

in a perfect world i'd still buy vinyl and enjoy the wonderful art and notes (at 16 i worked after school in a record store to pay for my hifi vice) but these days i'm prepared to suffer a *very small* loss for convenience.

nice thread.
Oh talk about name drop! "it was the morning after seeing foo fighters" - give me a break. Next you'll be trying to tell us that you flew in from Australia to London via Barcelona just for the concert. I see that you subscribe to the theory that mentioning MP3 on a hifi forum will get you lots of responses - well I dont think so, we're all a bit above that kind of cheap stunt.

Please let me know when you have something interesting to say.......ÿ
Oh talk about name drop! "it was the morning after seeing foo fighters" - give me a break. Next you'll be trying to tell us that you flew in from Australia to London via Barcelona just for the concert. I see that you subscribe to the theory that mentioning MP3 on a hifi forum will get you lots of responses - well I dont think so, we're all a bit above that kind of cheap stunt.

Please let me know when you have something interesting to say.......ÿ

Is this new forum causing "unnecessarily harsh responses" or what?
Did he run over your cat or something?

Going to a foo fighters concert hardly represents 'name dropping'!
I dont own a cat. I do have to admit to having a brother who recently went to see Foo Fighters though...........

On a more serious note - said brother sent me the following link which makes for interesting reading relating to the MAC/Lossless thread. I was just about to spend some $'s on a new CDP and amp but this has just made me sit back and think. Has anyone tried this at home?

wishful thinkiing!

I think the advent of mp3 music changed the music in the following ways-

-the reach of music far more increased with mp3s

-the prices of cd came down crashing,so u can afford more than 1 cd in the price of 1& knowing the fact that all soundtracks in a single CD are not eqally good!!

-mp3 players too are damn cheap & this gives u a flexibilty of carrying music with u....anywhere & everywhere...

-last but not the least, it has made the music industry shed their complacency...

& u still can buy original CDs, listen to them from start 2 finish......life can't get better than this!
Decided to take the plunge...

Bought1xApple Time Capsule, $400, combined router, wifi 10n, 500Gb external drive - whisper quiet. Plug it into cablemodem. Has usb and 4 ethernet ports as well as the wifi. Works with PC's etc - Vista hooks in no probs.

1xApple Express, $150. Wifi device that plugs into poer point and has 1 x usb, 1 x ethernet, 1 x digital/analog output (3.5 plug)1. 3.5 to 2 xRCA cable plugged into CD or AUX RCA's on my amp - so analog audio (I think).

Played CD Cassandra WIlson Blue - beautiful sound. Next step is to try that German software which does several passes as it reads a CD so you get a perfect file.

Then maybe try using the digital feed and buy via a specialised DAC as per some of these forums suggest.Or maybe hunt the AVI 9's down.

In any case, instead of spending $800 on a new separate CDP, I have spent under $600 and have a router/firewall (which I needed anyway), 10n wifi - v.fast, 500 Gb of disk space, can scan all my CD's and have stopped looking for specialised storage cabinet to store them all.

Plus automated backup to my Timecapsule of all MAC flies (or anything else on the network). And can add powered speakers with an Airport Express for $150, anywhere I have a powerpoint....bring on the next barbie! My adventures in music continue!



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