[quote user="fr0g"]I wonder if you have heard any well ripped MP3s. I am constantly amazed at the formats bashing. For my money a HQ MP3 is 99% as good as the original recording. A dodgy downloaded one AT ANY BITRATE is often very poor, but use the right tools and they are great. I really struggle to split them sometimes.
As for for CD - FLAC, I would now put FLAC ahead of CD as HDD or SSD is a better transport, and 24/96 files are becoming more available.
As for LP... Less I say the better...,😉[/quote]
And thanks to following your advice with eac (tho im at a bit of a crossroads now, as you know, so ive stalled the ripping for now) i can second the mp3 comments at the top of your post I cant comment on vinyl on a decent deck, or at all on any deck really. I follow your thoughts on hdd/sdd in theory, but havent heard the diference - im almost as inexperienced with CDPs as with turntables. unlike most, i came to "hifi" after id already found myself drifting into using the pc as my source, due to the layout of my flat (if you had said network or wifi to me back then i probably would have looked at you like you'd just grown another head, and im not much better now), and, back then, my speakers were jsut pc speakers with a monstrous sub. Have i reached the "too much information" threashold yet...?
As for for CD - FLAC, I would now put FLAC ahead of CD as HDD or SSD is a better transport, and 24/96 files are becoming more available.
As for LP... Less I say the better...,😉[/quote]
And thanks to following your advice with eac (tho im at a bit of a crossroads now, as you know, so ive stalled the ripping for now) i can second the mp3 comments at the top of your post I cant comment on vinyl on a decent deck, or at all on any deck really. I follow your thoughts on hdd/sdd in theory, but havent heard the diference - im almost as inexperienced with CDPs as with turntables. unlike most, i came to "hifi" after id already found myself drifting into using the pc as my source, due to the layout of my flat (if you had said network or wifi to me back then i probably would have looked at you like you'd just grown another head, and im not much better now), and, back then, my speakers were jsut pc speakers with a monstrous sub. Have i reached the "too much information" threashold yet...?