I want sky HD NOW!!


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Aug 10, 2019
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After purchasing my lovely 37PX80 and watching SD TV for a couple of weeks, and being thoroughly impressed I must say, I then took the plunge and phoned SKY to upgrade me to SHY HD. Obviously not wanting to pay the full price when newbies can get it cheaper, I started to haggle about the price. When this got me nowhere I then said I wanted to cancel my SKY subscription altogether. To put it bluntly they said I was unable to cancel as I was under contract with my SKY broadband up until December. Apparently (someone didn't read the T&C) to have SKY broadband you have to have SKY TV also. To put it mildly I want to scream. They now have me over a barrell until at December. I want HD and I want it now.


It should cost you 199 + 60. And if you are haggling to lower that then....save your money until you have enough. Why are you haggling? Unfortunately modern market economies allow demand and costs to determine price not how much you can argue :)


This is why I am always very reluctant to sign up to contracts that tie me in for a long period. Sky keep pestering me to go with their broadband, but I won't sign up.

Long contracts are the enemy of the free market.


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2008
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However, if you can overcome the cost issue you can have it now, or at least very quickly. Ordered the upgrade at 10:30am on a Friday and it was up and running including the installation of a replacement dish by 10am on the Monday.

jase fox

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
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I certainly understand ur dilemma, when i purchased my plasma i got sky hd at the same time as my hifi store did me a good price for my former tv in trade, but even if it wasnt for that id still pay the extra as no way cud i wait until december, ha thatd be like having a swimming pool made & then being told you cant have the water in it until several months time lol id go for it now ha


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