davedotco said:Vladimir said:Pair of Adam A5X cost 150 euros more than a pair of Yamaha HS8. 300 sterling each. *wacko*
Like I said, it is all down to your local market. Not being part of the EU is something of a pain though.
One thing you need to distinquish, in your own mind anyway, is that some active/powered speakers are voiced for hi-fi users, I'm thinking Audio Engine, MR1s, Bt3 etc. Depending on your point of view they are either warm and musical or fat and bloated.
Similarly some 'pro' monitors are voiced for a certain type of musician, big, bold and in all honested a fair way over the top. There is a middle ground for monitors and it is these that you need to seek out.
Given that you are in contact with the Genelec distributer I would be inclined to see what other goodies he might need to move on.
My mind is so poluted with "hi-fi" sound, i'm pretty sure whichever relatively neutral and accurate budget actives I get, I'll hate them with every fiber of my body. If they are desktop speakers I may even curse at them and draw them Hitler moustaches.
After a week, I wont care what they are and how they sound and just play music casually like I do through my PC screen monitor.
Good plan?