How to remove top cover of Audiolab 7000a


Active member
Jul 4, 2024
Just bought a used Audiolab 7000a. The volume control is loose. I have removed all 18 Torx screws and cannot slide off the top cover to gain access to what I suspect is a grub screw needing to be tightened to the volume control spindle. Have even tried suction cups clamped to top plate but cannot get the cover to move. Any tips most welcome from forum members.
Did you buy from a dealer? If so, any warranty might be invalidated if you proceed. If not, I'd try calling Audiolab.
He purchased used, Audiolab warranty only applies to the original owner. Perhaps he purchased from a dealer who may have given him some third party coverage?
What is the exact issue with the volume knob? You say 'loose' but in what way and does it still adjust the volume at all?
The top does, in fact, slide off. However, do not expect to see a simple grub screw to adjust. The volume is digitally controlled and there are circuit boards running behind the entire front of the amp.
Here is what you will see behind the volume control.
Have you tried to pull the knob off to see if it is attached to the the shaft correctly?
If this doesn't fix the issue I would call Audiolab or talk with an amp tech familiar with the brand.
It's possible that the entire volume module will need to be replaced.


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Thanks for all suggestions, I bought this amp secondhand from private seller so no warranty. The picture posted by My2Cents is most helpful. The volume control on my amp has about 30 degrees of free play before any alteration in volume takes place and the volume knob can easily be pulled out about 1 cm on its shaft. I am sure this is not as it should be, I also have a Audiolab 6000a which has a nice solid feel to its volume control. Nevertheless, I can’t get the cover to slide back to remove which has me baffled. Looking more like a trip to local Audiolab dealer and emptying of wallet.
18 screws out and it should slide. It must be binding up somewhere along the edge of the casing.
Did the Torx screws turn easily or where they very tight?
If they were relatively easy to turn, then I would suggest that someone may have had the top off in the past.
A picture of what you see with the knob off would be interesting.
Skip to 28:16 in this video
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Thanks again, yes I had looked at this video and reassured myself the cover came off easily. The 18 screws were not overly tight so I agree with you that the cover may have been off sometime before. the volume knob is just a regular cylindrical shaft with a grub screw to tighten against the flat surface of the internal spindle. will try gently prising underside and attaching sucker grabs to see if it can be pulled free.


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