Apologies if this has been already asked - had a quick look and couldn't find a definitive answer.
In short, what is the best way for me to stream from Apple Music in hi-res?
I understand that using Air Play (to my Wiim Pro Plus) limits resolution to 256kbp.
I am currently playing it from either my phone or Macbook Air via the headphone out into the line in of my amp.
Is there a better way to do this (better and easy - meaning that doesn't necessarily require me buying a £1k piece of equipment just for this)?
This is a definitive answer.
Firstly, you must have an external DAC.
Secondly, be aware that High-Res files are few and far between on Apple Music. The overwhelming majority are 'CD quality.' The good thing about the solution explained below is that you can see the resolution and bit-rate that you are streaming on the device.
The best way, and the only way that does not involve purchasing non-standard hardware, is this:
Source: iPad (or iPhone) with High-Res Lossless selected in Audio Quality settings on the iPad. Connects to ...
Adapter: Apple Lightning to USB adapter (about £45). Get the genuine Apple one. It has a socket for a Lightning charging cable too. Connects to ...
Cable: USB A to USB B cable to go from the above adapter to your DAC. Connects to ...
DAC: the better DAC you use the better the sound quality you can expect. Connects to ...
It is intuitive to think that using a MacBook in place of the iPad would be better on the basis that a MacBook is a more substantial and powerful device. But this isn't so.
I am using this solution now, as I write, with a Naim DAC-V1. The sound is excellent and, as a bonus, the iPad can be controlled (pause, track forward, track back) with the Naim remote. Any DAC that has a USB connection would work. The other high-quality DAC I have is a Chord QUTEST and that works wonderfully with this solution too.
Please be aware that there is no wireless way of achieving bit-perfect, hi-res streaming with Apple Music because Apple AirPlay does not allow it. Neither does Apple TV.
The only other alternative is to purchase one of two or three devices which will allow hi-res streaming of Apple Music, such as the Eversolo DMP-A6. But the iPad solution works perfectly. You may have an old iPad (or iPhone) which you could dedicate for the purpose of streaming, or even buy a new one for much less than the cost of one of these non-standard devices.
Hope this helps.