How to get the best sound from a pc

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Naim are well known for having an almost endless upgrade path. It's function is to make money for Naim. They are a business. Why do so many audiophiles believe that audio manufacturers are altruistic entities that put the interests of their customers first?

Naim and Linn were responsible, I think, for mythologising the whole "British hifi" thing when they found that they had no hope of competing with the Japanese audio equipment manufacturers when solid state components began to replace valves. Their plight is far worse now with the advent of PC as a source - now they have to try to sell audiophile computer components and when someone like you comes along claiming to be able to hear the difference between processor speeds and RAM timings... it's ludicrous and you are, presumably unintentionally, helping to relieve the innocents who come to forums such as this one looking for advice, of their often hard earned money.
Of course every business is there to make money and as much as posslbe and in sales some things are highlighted and exxagerated thats true of all companies - doesnt mean they all make bad products or are ripping people off

At the same time I dont think is fair to plunder or critique a company that many people love to listen to its kit and that sounds excellent. I personally have heard the CD555 and the 555 power supply its excellent and makes what comes off a standard PC even with a sound card sound like a tinny, noisey, shouty, joke. I think more goes into the engineering principles that are giving credit for as well there, but you can still hold your opinion

What is the main difference if you want to upgrade a Naim prodcut you have to buy completely new - with the Audio PC you can DIY as I do and upgrade bits at a time for minimal cost by comparison of buying from major players. However its not generaly such an elegeant solution so people that care more about how it looks than how it sounds its probs not for them.

In music production - I am sure in a lot of studios there is a lot of effort and emphasis on keeping sound quality up (one would hope so) - however I know the power of a modern PC allows you do to a whole manner of things from a bedroom and producing music is one of them. That doesnt mean the sound quality of such produced music is good - and its quite often the music that supposedly prodcued well is well away from the mainstream - that most critique for poor sound quality. Is that because of the way these studios are built and kitted out ... I dont know maybe it is something to do with that.

In additon I am not trying to make snide comments just trying show examples to things I have been saying to show they are not completely ridiculous as has been counter argued.

In terms of comments on connnecting to a motherboard - of course everthing connects to the motherboard in a pc one way or the other.

Thats not what I have said - I have said products that take their power from the motherboard, and the motherboard is probably fed from a noisey switching supply in the first place.

If you look at the design of the PS555 its stated to have a seperate supply for the analogue and digital circutry to the player to prevent high frequency intermodulation. Thats their explanation for noise being generated but a board circuit and being passed to the analogue stage where you hear it.

There is a product due to be released that will take power from the pcie bus and is supposed to be extremely low noise, its been designed by a company that manufactures ultra sensitive radar equipment with ulta low noise regulator etc. It does still have a feed for an external power supply so that the external power supply can provide the power for the attached USB device such as a Dac or USB to SPDIF Convertor

So its possible for motherboard power to be filtered, so what you say of some sound cards maybe true, if the design is extremely good.


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