how to connect a second amp?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hi all, i would like to connect my old sony strdb830qs to my new pioneer vsx520k for the pro logic 11z setting, what would be the best way of connecting the two amps, on the back of the pioneer there are the red and white connectors for the front hieght duties but where on the sony would i connect them, to the phono or the 5.1 outputs, i have tried connecting it briefly but i get a low hum that only gets louder with the volume, can anybody help at all?

thanks alot
Neither of the above: you're trying to use the Sony as a power amp for the height channels. yes?

The sockets to use would be any of the line inputs - CD, tape, etc - and set the Sony to give as direct a path as possible. In other words, all processing off, straight stereo, etc.

But I'm still not too sure it'd work: you'd be better off with a budget power amp (maybe secondhand) or stereo integrated amp.

Something like an old NAD 3020 would be ideal, as these have direct input sockets for the power amp section, bypassing the preamp and allowing them to be used as a power amplifier. And they're readily available for not much cash on that well-known auction site.
thanks for your fast response, i am just having a look now and when i plug it into the 5.1 sockets i do get sound but have to crank the amp half way to get it, if i use the phonos it very load with humming in the backgroung i have not tried any other input yet but why would you say it may not work, i did try an old kenwood stereo amp but thought the sony may offer a better sound.
No, you don't want to connect to the 5.1 outputs on the Sony: they're outputs, not inputs. And the phono input on that receiver is designed for a turntable, not a line input such as this.

It should work OK if you use one of the line inputs on the Sony, as I said above, but you may still have problems with ground loops causing humming.
thanks alot for that can you suggest a volume to set the sony at while running the mcacc on the pioneer?
hi all, i would like to connect my old sony strdb830qs to my new pioneer vsx520k for the pro logic 11z setting, what would be the best way of connecting the two amps, on the back of the pioneer there are the red and white connectors for the front hieght duties but where on the sony would i connect them, to the phono or the 5.1 outputs, i have tried connecting it briefly but i get a low hum that only gets louder with the volume, can anybody help at all?

thanks alot

meant to say inputs on the sony not outputs sorry, would this work?


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