I think you might be very surprised at the number of people from the audio industry who read these forums. These include company/brand owners, sales, marketing, PR, service, tech support, engineering, admin., finance, etc., etc.
Design (electronics, acoustic, cosmetic) engineers will read this and other forums, but like the vast majority of those working in the industry, they will not post here (or indeed on other forums), unless to provide direct help for a specific person with a specific problem/question. In the majority of cases, the reality is that these responses are made by 'trained' PR/Marketing people, as those that fulfil other functions within the business can get themselves into very tricky exchanges that can sometimes deteriorate into negativity, misunderstanding and a request for the car keys.
Even the rather obvious use of humour can be misinterpreted and 'spun' by those that have an interest in doing so. On forums such as these, there is still (at least from within our business and others that we know) a rule that the customer is always right. 100%. Every time. without fail.
This, for good or bad, is the way of the world.
Anyway, about those HDMI cables.......*music2*