How does Arcam pair with Spendor?


Well-known member
May 24, 2008
Anyone heard this combination? Anyone have this combination. I mean aside of all power rating concerns, ie the amp would be powerful. Thoughts anyone?
The pairing is fine. It may be a little dull (harsh word) for some people's tastes, but those that don't like anything too 'in your face', it could be the perfect system. It will partly depend which Spendors and which Arcam amp you're referring to.
I tried the A38 and matching CDP with the Spendor A6s but found the bass too uncontrolled for me. I am a little odd. Put it this way, some of the Arcam warmth is attributable to the bass.
Thanks for the comments chaps - I was thinking along the lines of A85/P85 and CD192 or something like that. Guessing the P85 should drive them OK.
I'm pretty sure the CD192/A85/P85 will make the Spendor's sing. I had those Arcams and they are a good match together. Biamped these are far more controlled than the A85 on its own, and they were all rated as 5 star products and had many accolades from all the HiFi press a few years back.
JoelSim:I had those Arcams and they are a good match together.

So did I, and now I'm missing them.

Biamped these are far more controlled than the A85 on its own

I can never remember the terminology, but the Spendors only have one set of posts, so would have to stick single wire from just the P85 in to the speakers. No option to biamp?

JoelSim:I had those Arcams and they are a good match together.

So did I, and now I'm missing them.

Biamped these are far more controlled than the A85 on its own

I can never remember the terminology, but the Spendors only have one set of posts, so would have to stick single wire from just the P85 in to the speakers. No option to biamp?

As I said, PMCs. They can be bi-wired.

Why do you want to change Arcam when Naim should match pretty well with Spendor or PMCs?
plastic penguin:
Why do you want to change Arcam when Naim should match pretty well with Spendor or PMCs?

Yes the Naim certainly do match well with the Spendors. To be honest, I ditched my Arcam to go for something a bit more exciting in the Naim stuff - but am now missing Arcam a little bit, although I do like the Naim.

Hmm, seems like I dont really know what I want with this stuff!!!
JamesOK:plastic penguin:

Why do you want to change Arcam when Naim should match pretty well with Spendor or PMCs?

Yes the Naim certainly do match well with the Spendors. To be honest, I ditched my Arcam to go for something a bit more exciting in the Naim stuff - but am now missing Arcam a little bit, although I do like the Naim.

Hmm, seems like I dont really know what I want with this stuff!!!

No disrespect to your good self, but I've mentioned many times on here about thinking long-term -- having a system you can live with for possibly years -- and don't buy on a whim or because of reviews.

Why do you think I've been fluffing around with upgrades for so long?

Anyway, good luck with whatever route you decide to take.
Spendor would suggest a better amp rather than biamping. If you miss the Arcam sound, try a Quad 99/909 combo on the Spendors. Ok, you're not going to get masses and masses of current delivery but you get magic. Not tried them on the A5s though.
igglebert:Spendor would suggest a better amp rather than biamping. If you miss the Arcam sound, try a Quad 99/909 combo on the Spendors. Ok, you're not going to get masses and masses of current delivery but you get magic. Not tried them on the A5s though.

I would love to hear Quad amps. I've heard it say if you like Arcam then Quad is the ideal replacment. Alas, there are no Quad amp retailers close to me (that I know of anyway).

If james wants to stick with Arcam the FMJ A32 should do the trick.
Who knows, PP, you might be disappointed. If you're ever near Oundle drop in and listen to mine. Oh no, hang on, it's knackered at the mo...
plastic penguin:JamesOK:plastic penguin:

Why do you want to change Arcam when Naim should match pretty well with Spendor or PMCs?

Yes the Naim certainly do match well with the Spendors. To be honest, I ditched my Arcam to go for something a bit more exciting in the Naim stuff - but am now missing Arcam a little bit, although I do like the Naim.

Hmm, seems like I dont really know what I want with this stuff!!!

No disrespect to your good self, but I've mentioned many times on here about thinking long-term -- having a system you can live with for possibly years -- and don't buy on a whim or because of reviews.

Why do you think I've been fluffing around with upgrades for so long?

Anyway, good luck with whatever route you decide to take.

Fair comments PP - I didnt actually buy on a whim, and considered things for quite some time. Initially I loved the sound as it was more exciting and forward than what I was used to. I still like the presentation now, but maybe I prefer my old sound...
JamesOK:plastic penguin:JamesOK:plastic penguin:

Why do you want to change Arcam when Naim should match pretty well with Spendor or PMCs?

Yes the Naim certainly do match well with the Spendors. To be honest, I ditched my Arcam to go for something a bit more exciting in the Naim stuff - but am now missing Arcam a little bit, although I do like the Naim.

Hmm, seems like I dont really know what I want with this stuff!!!

No disrespect to your good self, but I've mentioned many times on here about thinking long-term -- having a system you can live with for possibly years -- and don't buy on a whim or because of reviews.

Why do you think I've been fluffing around with upgrades for so long?

Anyway, good luck with whatever route you decide to take.

Fair comments PP - I didnt actually buy on a whim, and considered things for quite some time. Initially I loved the sound as it was more exciting and forward than what I was used to. I still like the presentation now, but maybe I prefer my old sound...

Exactly my point. Did you buy them from fleebay?
igglebert:Spendor would suggest a better amp rather than biamping. If you miss the Arcam sound, try a Quad 99/909 combo on the Spendors. Ok, you're not going to get masses and masses of current delivery but you get magic. Not tried them on the A5s though.

Thanks IB. I shall consider all options, one attractive point about my old Arcams is that you can now pick them up for a very reasonable price on ebay. I've also considered going new with the A32, but that would mean forking out more money. Whereas if I were to replace what I have with an older Diva system I would have change!
plastic penguin:JamesOK:plastic penguin:JamesOK:plastic penguin:

Why do you want to change Arcam when Naim should match pretty well with Spendor or PMCs?

Yes the Naim certainly do match well with the Spendors. To be honest, I ditched my Arcam to go for something a bit more exciting in the Naim stuff - but am now missing Arcam a little bit, although I do like the Naim.

Hmm, seems like I dont really know what I want with this stuff!!!

No disrespect to your good self, but I've mentioned many times on here about thinking long-term -- having a system you can live with for possibly years -- and don't buy on a whim or because of reviews.

Why do you think I've been fluffing around with upgrades for so long?

Anyway, good luck with whatever route you decide to take.

Fair comments PP - I didnt actually buy on a whim, and considered things for quite some time. Initially I loved the sound as it was more exciting and forward than what I was used to. I still like the presentation now, but maybe I prefer my old sound...

Exactly my point. Did you buy them from fleebay?

Did I buy the Naims from ebay? No, all from a dealer.
East Northants, PP.

James, I appreciate your point. You can find a 909 for £600 but you'd need a preamp to use with it. Does the Nait have a preout. Anyway, often better the devil you know and all that. An A32 would be ideal.
igglebert:East Northants, PP. James, I appreciate your point. You can find a 909 for £600 but you'd need a preamp to use with it. Does the Nait have a preout. Anyway, often better the devil you know and all that. An A32 would be ideal.

I would love to, Iggle, but if I go beyond St. Albans I get a nose bleed
igglebert:East Northants, PP.

James, I appreciate your point. You can find a 909 for £600 but you'd need a preamp to use with it. Does the Nait have a preout. Anyway, often better the devil you know and all that. An A32 would be ideal.

No the Nait has nothing in the way of expansion or pre/power scenario! I'm particularly indecisive about this, but then thinking I had my Arcam for 5 or 6 years and loved it, maybe that says enough in itself! As long as they pair well with my lovely new Spendors...
igglebert:East Northants, PP.

James, I appreciate your point. You can find a 909 for £600 but you'd need a preamp to use with it. Does the Nait have a preout. Anyway, often better the devil you know and all that. An A32 would be ideal.

No the Nait has nothing in the way of expansion or pre/power scenario! I'm particularly indecisive about this, but then thinking I had my Arcam for 5 or 6 years and loved it, maybe that says enough in itself! As long as they pair well with my lovely new Spendors...

Hmm, theres a complete Arcam setup available on ebay at the moment. Maybe its worth taking the plunge.
Well, at least you're assured a fair amount of interest on the Naim kit! It's like selling a Mini Cooper.
igglebert:Well, at least you're assured a fair amount of interest on the Naim kit! It's like selling a Mini Cooper.

Very true. Ive just bought that stuff. Oh dear - what am I going to tell the girlf. Mind you IB, at least I dont have to tell her "sorry, Ive just spent a load of money on exactly the same stereo I used to have, and now the guests wont be able to have a desert at the wedding breakfast", or something along those lines.


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