How do you pronounce teac?

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[quote user="JohnDuncan"]
"ee fills ee shotgun cartridges wi' ee carraway seed, puts ee cheese on
ee back step and gie's it baith barrels o' ee twel' bore. Not only does
'is gie us ee even distribution o' ee carraway seed through ee cheese,
it also has ee advantage o gettin rid o' all ee magguts"[/quote]

He's right - they all talk like that in Teddington.
at the risk of re-railing this thread back on to the topic... Grado: grade-oh or grad-oh? Beyerdynamic: bay-er-dynamic or buyer-dynamic? Sennheiser: senn-hi-sir or senn-hay-sir? Neat - neat (as in tidy) or knee-at? Ruark: rawk or rue-ark? Wharfedale: wharf-dale or wharf-ah-dale?
that might keep you guys busy for a minute or two...
bayerdynamic, senn-hi-zir. neat as in tidy. rue-ark. wharf-dale. pa-na-so-nic. pie-o'near. soh-knee. and JVC is jay-vee-see, not juvuc.
I understand it was an abbreviation of Teledyne Acoustics, hence would/should be "tee-ack". Any other views?
[quote user="Jonathan_E"][quote user="Andrew Everard"]
JVC is jay-vee-see, not juvuc.

Unless you're texting, of course. [/quote]

In which case it's LUC, according to my predictive text.
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]It's up and coming[/quote]

It must be - look at the posh Teddington Tractors they all drive.

Hey, that's the one that nearly mowed down my son on the zebra crossing outside Pizza Express on Saturday..........

I don't have one, though my car is Scandinavian (like my hifi).
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
bayerdynamic, senn-hi-zir. neat as in tidy. rue-ark. wharf-dale. pa-na-so-nic. pie-o'near. soh-knee. and JVC is jay-vee-see, not juvuc.

right so i havent been embarrassing myself too much ;-) that said, i am surprised with how you say panasonic is pronounced - i have always said pan-ah-sonic but again i must digress i am australian... never heard anyone say anything else other than jay-vee-see - have i missed something or where you perhaps being facetious?
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]Hey, that's the one that nearly mowed down my son on the zebra crossing outside Pizza Express on Saturday...[/quote]

I'm sure that Volvo dealer in Teddington only closed down because someone had the dumb idea of trying to sell other models, when any fule kno every yummy mummy for miles around lusts after an XC90. Or possibly a second one for the nanny to use.
[quote user="ifitsoundsgoodlistentoit"] never heard anyone say anything else other than jay-vee-see - have i missed something or where you perhaps being facetious?[/quote]

Facetious, moi?

To be replaced by a Honda garage, selling CR-Vs. And the CPZ will be coming in soon on WR, and the residents' parking will cost a fortune for second cars. Lucky we don't have a nanny.......

Did I just say that out loud?

Funnily enough, we have friends round their XC90.
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
[quote user="ifitsoundsgoodlistentoit"] never heard anyone say anything else other than jay-vee-see - have i missed something or where you perhaps being facetious?[/quote]

Facetious, moi?



now, is that mwahh or moo-i? :-0
Did I just land on the TopGear forum? (Spot the intercap - thanks Clare)

So, to get back to the point, Rega - ree-gah or rey-gah? Or reggae, even? I understand that anyone over 32 would have been taught the correct pronunciation in school. But I'm 31 so just missed-out.

Oh, and any takers for Klipsch?
[quote user="peanutfrenzy"]So, to get back to the point, Rega - ree-gah or rey-gah?[/quote]


[quote user="peanutfrenzy"]Oh, and any takers for Klipsch?

[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
So does this make her the only singer to be named after the Australian for pick-up truck?

struth mate, i aint 'eard of this sheila before but it does look like it ;-) question is, is that a Ford Ute or a Holden... also, its not the "australian" for pick-up truck - its australians calling them what they are -utilitarian vehicles! how many "pick-up" trucks do you actually see being used as such... :-/
[quote user="peanutfrenzy"] Oh, and any takers for Klipsch [/quote]

i'll give it a go: clip-sh?
[quote user="peanutfrenzy"]
Did I just land on the TopGear forum? (Spot the intercap - thanks Clare)

So, to get back to the point, Rega - ree-gah or rey-gah? Or reggae, even? I understand that anyone over 32 would have been taught the correct pronunciation in school. But I'm 31 so just missed-out.

Oh, and any takers for Klipsch?

I asked the fella in the Rega room at last year's Bristol HiFi show, he couldn't give me a definitive answer, I think it's rey-gah, but who knows??
Silly question, Andrew E will know!


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