how do i get album artwork on my new ipod? please help


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi there, iv just bought an ipod 160gb and i am wanting to know how to put album art work on my ipod when i convert my cds? Sorry if its a stupid question but this is my fisrt ipod and im not sure what im doing. Also can you recomend a good dock to connect up to my roksan kandy L3 amp?

If you click on the 'Advanced' tab at the top of the iTunes page and select 'Get album artwork', that should do it. As for a good dock, I'd go for either the Arcam rDock (£130), or the Onkyo DS-A2 (£65).
Under 'Preferences' and "General' there's also a check-box to 'Automatically download missing artwork' - this will go and find artwork for those you haven't added/bought from the iTunes Store.

Mind you, iTunes can get it BADLY wrong - it makes me laugh everything i play The Hives and it comes up with a picture of the Burl Ives Christmas Album!
If iTunes gets the wrong artwork, or sometimes it can't find the artwork, another way to do it is to search for the particular CD in an on line retailer such as amazon. When you find the CD in amazon select it and it will then usually show a picture of the album art in the left hand corner. Right click on the album art and select copy. The go back to iTunes and select all of the tracks for the album with the missing artwork and right click and select Get Info. I will then ask are you sure that you want to change info for all selected tracks, just click OK. It will then bring up a box called Multiple Item Information and you will see on the right hand side towards the bottom a box called artwork. Move the cursor over the Artwork box and right click, then selcet paste. You should now see you correct Artwork in this box, then click OK and it adds the correct artwork to all of the selected tracks.

Hopefully this should work for you.
I find putting a search in google images for the cd open it ,right click,save to desk top then drag and drop it into the missing album artwork in your itunes library works,also videos downloaded from google will play on your ipod atb rob ingle


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