andyjm said:
Absolute nonsense. The report compares chalk, cheese, apples and pears. Just take a step back, think about the technology, do you really think that the noise floor of a mechanical system, with a motor, bearings and a stylus scraping along a piece of plastic is going to have a noise floor lower than a digital CD system?
Yes. Above 2khz. No below 500hz with a Rega P3. Based on these measurements and my own listening tests.
The report measured noise floor. Have you done your own noise floor measurements? Do you know of any other reputable source that has done this kind of measurement where the noise and frequency are plotted?
Also think about what generates the signal in a stereo cartridge. It's movement perpindicular to each V shaped groove. If there's no movement there's no signal. If the vinyl is smooth, which it will be during the silent bits there will be no movement caused my the vinyl. If it's clean and unscratched where the tip is tracing the vinyl there will be no movement from dirt or scratches. It's then down to the quality and execution of the engineering as well as isolation from external vibration that will determine the noise floor. A Rega P3 will be OK, but not state of the art in these respects. A well isolated Pioneer Exclusive P3a will be.
What's with all this closed minded dogmatism? Keep an open mind, and if you can, go out and compare CD to vinyl yourself with your own ears, preferably using a world class record player.