I offer no real answers here, only food for thought.
I think that we should note that while there is generally a correlation between price and performance, they are two different continuums. High end to me refers to performance and not to price, whereas budget refers to price, not performance.
Time tends to lower the 'high endedness' of products too. An esoteric CD from the mid 80's may compare to the standard of current budget units. The old high end is now low end.
Whether something is expensive also seems to depend on who you are talking to. I'd expect Thaiman would consider my 3000 quid (in 1997) amp as mid price. My friends would think that to spend that much on an amp you'd need to be rich and insane.
Drawing these points together, in 1997 the original owner of my amp spent nearly 3 grand on a moderately high end, pretty expensive amp.
New designs have come about since, improving the performance you're likely to get for that sort of money, thus reducing the competetiveness of this amp.
When I bought it 2 years ago for 600 quid, I think I got a fairly good price. A price which I can at least begin to justify to my friends. I'd be surprised to find a new amp for that money which sounds as good. It's the same amp, it's just not as high end as it was when new. Better design has reduced it's comparative performance. It has become more budget (and 2nd hand too) though to compensate me for this.
Much the same can be said of my Linn LP12 turntable.