High Class Standmount - suggestions please


New member
Jun 25, 2009
As some of you might have seen in the 'Your System' forum, my new house has resulted in some serious space issues for my Spendor A6's. Superb as they are, the room is really far to small to get the best out of them so they are now up on fleabay (assuming I'm allowed to say that).

I'm looking for a small, high quality standmount to replace them with. Under consideration are:

Spendor SA1

Harbeth P3-ESR

Proac D1

B&W 805S

Budget is pretty flexible and I'd be interested to hear any other suggestions, especially if you have experience with the speaker in question. I don't need a bass excavator; musical communication is far more important.

Thanks in advance.
The B&W speakers are quite abit larger than the the Spendors. Have heard the Spendors against the Proac and the spendors are much mre balanced. Would love to to compare with the Harbeth as I'm also considering these myself.
Hi cse - thanks for your comments. I probably included the B&W's out of sentiment more than anything else - I have had several of their standmount speakers in the past and have always enjoyed them immensely 🙂

The SA1s are the 'obvious' contenders but I happen to know that the owner of DNM uses Harbeth in his home system so I figure they have to be worth a listen too. I'll bump this once I've had a chance to get the P3ESR's at home.
I can't really add anything more to that list - for me it'd be between the SA1's and Response D1's. You'll find both of these have their own character, and as already mentioned, you'll probably find the SA1's more balanced, mainly due to them being a sealed cabinet.

The only other two I'd mention are the ATC SCM7's and KEF XQ10's. I know these are cheaper than those mentioned, but they both do things their own way, and are worth an audition. Even though some may not feel they're up there with the rest mentioned, some people just might prefer the way they present things. We feel that the ATC's are a little underpriced for what they do, so worth a try - they're sealed cabinets too.
ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signatures. Seriously tiny but very very musical. I love mine.
matengawhat:monitor audio pl100s - amazing sounding speakers and to me one of the best looking standmounts available - just say quality

Aah, but then we're getting into the larger cabinet recommendations, of which there are many many more!!
How bizarre. I've moved house and now my SA1s are struggling to provide the bass I want. I was considering moving to the A5s or A6s. My observation from hearing the A6s is that the tweeter is more open than that on the SA1s and A5s. The latter two sound a little bit darker in tone which to me is favourable. I should add, they don't sound closed in but just slightly more refrained, a character which suits the overall balance of the smaller speakers.

If my experiences of other Proac speakers is anything to go by (1SC and Tab Ref 8 Sig) then the D1s will sound a little more forward than the SA1s. If you keep an eye on ebay you'll find a pair of SA1s for around £650-£750 so it might be worth waiting.

What about downsizing to the A5s?

matengawhat:monitor audio pl100s - amazing sounding speakers and to me one of the best looking standmounts available - just say quality

Aah, but then we're getting into the larger cabinet recommendations, of which there are many many more!!

ehh!!!! the pl100s are smaller than the 805s he mentioned!

matengawhat:monitor audio pl100s - amazing sounding speakers and to me one of the best looking standmounts available - just say quality

Aah, but then we're getting into the larger cabinet recommendations, of which there are many many more!!

ehh!!!! the pl100s are smaller than the 805s he mentioned!

Ah yes, but I did also say the B&W's were a sentimental pick as much as anything else!

Like David said, the larger cabinet issues brings alot of other choices into play (Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M, Totem Mani-2, a bigger Harbeth, ATC or Spendor to name but a few). I will try and get one of the above on a home audition to test the waters and see how things go.
another vote for totem and sf though you could try the minimas too
i think you are swinging from one extreme to the other and may end up disapointed - i found the SA1 nothing more than pleasent - didn't really rock to me - very little grunt and think you may find some of your other choices similar especially when you have been used to floorstanders
i have a pair of focal profile 908s in my spare room - similar to the spendors SA1s excellent top end and midrange, very open sounding but again really lacks bass which i know he said he is not a bass head but again i think they just need a little more
i think you are swinging from one extreme to the other and may end up disapointed - i found the SA1 nothing more than pleasent - didn't really rock to me - very little grunt and think you may find some of your other choices similar especially when you have been used to floorstanders

I was using floorstanders (Rega R3 with 5" mid/bass and 5" bass drivers and front ports) and changed to small sealed cabinet stand-mounts.

Initially there was a perception that some bass was missing (of course) but after two days I had to plug the R3's back in for a customer to listen to before buying.

The suprise was just how muffled the floorstanders now sounded in comparison (even after just two days) and just how little bass was 'absent' with the little standmounts. Far less than I imagined.

I should add though (like the OP) that I am not a bass-junkie and I also don't use my system in a large space or listen at great distance and value clarity and presence more than all-out 'oomph'.
chebby agree completly with that - but looking at ops set up and room i can understand why he isn't happy and going straight for the smallest he can find i just think there is a very nice mid point
At this point I normally suggest the use of a respectable sub (some deals on REL T and R series at the mo) but it always seems to start emotive debate, second only to cable debates.
What about WB square 1's?

I am looking at them, and when I had a demo, they sounded lovely. But the stands cost a bloody fortune....


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