My then Naim system - 72/Hi-Cap/180/SBL's.
Not because it was 'bad' or anything, but I bought it all new and at huge expense, only to find it undone by Sony ES 9000 Series kit down the track, which made the Naim look very poor value for money on a $$ for performance basis, and when judged overall as a consumer purchase.
It was also the first step on a slippery slope into audiophoolery, foo and pseudo science, for which the first step of recovery was buying the Sony and selling the Naim.
That's not to bash Naim, but like most so called high end kit where you're ostensibly paying a premium for 'extra' or 'better' sound quality, doing AB's against it and 'lessor' kit using matched levels, and preferably blind to remove expectation bias, reveals a whole lot of very humbling things that one doesn't hear at dealer dems when doing them at disparate volume levels, and sighted.
It was a very humbling lesson indeed.
If buying expensive 'high end' kit these days, I expect a lot more than just allegedly superior sound, via manufacturers claims and audiophile hype, and expensive bling casework.
Not because it was 'bad' or anything, but I bought it all new and at huge expense, only to find it undone by Sony ES 9000 Series kit down the track, which made the Naim look very poor value for money on a $$ for performance basis, and when judged overall as a consumer purchase.
It was also the first step on a slippery slope into audiophoolery, foo and pseudo science, for which the first step of recovery was buying the Sony and selling the Naim.
That's not to bash Naim, but like most so called high end kit where you're ostensibly paying a premium for 'extra' or 'better' sound quality, doing AB's against it and 'lessor' kit using matched levels, and preferably blind to remove expectation bias, reveals a whole lot of very humbling things that one doesn't hear at dealer dems when doing them at disparate volume levels, and sighted.
It was a very humbling lesson indeed.
If buying expensive 'high end' kit these days, I expect a lot more than just allegedly superior sound, via manufacturers claims and audiophile hype, and expensive bling casework.