Hi*fi Upgrade finally!


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
Well after 5 years of my first ever hifi purchase, I am finally upgrading the setup with the Rotel RB1552 power amplifier! I always did think that the Rotel RA06se was underestimating itself as it would punch well above it's weight through my B&W 684s but did find there was a little clipping when volumes went up past 11.

I always promised myself to get a power amp for it as I wanted a bi-amp setup and today I made a purchase on ebay which is being delivered Friday *biggrin*

My question was how silly/or reasonable can you be with interconnects and speaker cables? If I remember correctly my interconnect is a Chord Company Crimson and speaker cables are QED XT Evolution. Now it might just be my ears but I found at times the sound to be on the bright side. Could I cure this with my interconnects/speaker cables? What would you recommend? My budget would be between £50 - £70.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
Some people (not all) find the B&W 6xx to be a bit 'sharp', it is part of their nature, particularly when driven quite hard. If it is a tonal issue for you then use the tone controls to give the setup a very slight 'downtilt', ie the minimum of boost to the bass and a similar small cut to the treble. If this does not work, then it is a character issue inherent in the speakers, not a lot you can do.

Changing cables may well appear to make an immediate difference but is unlikely to be satisfactory long term solution, one type of cable that will probably make a difference are the older VdH 'Carbon' models which have a high measured impedance thus rolling off the high treble. They can often be found used, often cheap enough to 'buy to try' for yourself.

Final thought, if you are wanting/expecting a power bump by adding the bigger power amp, then it will be best if you do not bi-amp, just use the RA06 as a pre-amp.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
Really?! Don't bi-amp?? How would that not work out to be best? Surely bi-amping speakers would be more beneficial then just drive from one?

Thank you for the advice on tonal controls and VdH cables. I was looking to get those as well rated plus reasonably priced.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
Nas88 said:
Really?! Don't bi-amp?? How would that not work out to be best? Surely bi-amping speakers would be more beneficial then just drive from one?

Thank you for the advice on tonal controls and VdH cables. I was looking to get those as well rated plus reasonably priced.

Think about it for a moment.

In (passive) bi-amp mode, both amplifiers are being driven by a full range signal and will still clip at the same level as before, ie the power section of the integrated will be clipping and audible, exactly as before, way before the bigger power amp clips. Use the power amp on its own.

The difference between most competend cables are miniscule, if indeed there are any differences at all. The 'carbon hybrid' designs from VdH are unusual in that the measure differently to most cables, having a noticeably higher impedance. In most systems this is apparent as a modest roll off at high frequencies, something that might be beneficial in this case.

I was thinking of speaker cables but their are Carbon interconnects too, maybe a pair of carbon interconnects such as VdH 'The First' between pre and power might do the trick. Again, they can often be found second hand at quite sensible prices.

Using tone controls as described, very gently, to provide a very slight down tilt (or up tilt in a different setup) can change the character of a system without it really sounding like bass boost or cut. Just shifting the balance very slightly can do the trick, it's not obvious, it just sounds better,


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
Thank you Jedi Dotco! I'll give it a go without bi-amping first before buying a set of extra speaker cables. See how I get on and then decide if it's worth investing.

Thanks again!

Al ears

Well-known member
Nas88 said:
Thank you Jedi Dotco! I'll give it a go without bi-amping first before buying a set of extra speaker cables. See how I get on and then decide if it's worth investing.

Thanks again!

Dotco is correct in my opinion. The only way to truely biamp, to make it worthwhile, is a preamp and two monoblocks.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
