help with av rack


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
i'm looking for an av rack to hide away my kit - i want it to have doors so kit can be hidden but need one that is large enough to take six components and the tough bit is finding something large enough to house the Onkyo 876 with adequate ventilation - can anyone make any suggestions
flexible on price ideally something contemporary - currently have the atacama AVI stand but cant live with the mass of cables on show behind and through the rack anymore

would prefer slightly longer and lower than narrow and tall
cheers daveh75 i had a good look at that website last night - really liked but again it has no room for the onkyo unless i place on top - that big beast is becoming a real pain to house

beggining to think might have to have soimething made which gets expensive
Another option...... and can't believe i'm gonna say this, try ikea! Despite their reputation they do actually have some quite good tv/av cabinets.
matengawhat:i'm looking for an av rack to hide away my kit - i want it to have doors so kit can be hidden but need one that is large enough to take six components and the tough bit is finding something large enough to house the Onkyo 876 with adequate ventilation - can anyone make any suggestions

I feel your pain.

I had the exact same problem when trying to find something to house my stuff.

In the end i went with this....


.... A 'Tobo' unit from Ikea. OK, so the doors are see-through, but this has the added advantage of meaning I don't need to leave them open for remote control use.

The centre section should actually be for a pair of drawers, but the 875 fits in there nicely and you don't see any of the wiring (Back cut out enough to allow all connections, but not enough that you can see it.)

The unit was slightly too high out of the box, so we bought some tubular legs designed for kitchen units, also at Ikea, and fitted those instead.
Big Chris - cheers for that i might steal that idea as looks like will do everything i want for a fraction of the price

can i also ask are all the three spaces the same size and if i wanted to put the draws at one of the ends instead of the middle would that be possibe?
I think the centre section is slightly wider, so don't think the drawers would be able to go at the ends.

The glass shelves at either end are adjustable for position though.

Oh, and the glass doors are sliders, not hinged. I didn't know if the pic showed this accurately.
sugar - i really wanted to get two one for my stereo as well - but need the shelfs next to each other for that as my cables are all short so would have been great if i could have moved the draws to the edge - might have to keep looking

then again might not be to deifficult to move around - is the back panel one piece? would just be moving one upright and drilling a few holes. are there any holes drilled into the wooden panels of the middle cupboard? How long were the original legs aprox?
They do two different versions. Mine with the 3 sections, and another with 2 sections. I guess you could get 2 two section versions and butt them up together.

IIRC, the back panel is a single piece. It has holes in the top and the bottom behind the shelf areas to allow cables/plugs through. As I said, I measured the height and width of the amp, deducted about 5/10mm, then cut out the back panel. You can't see the hole unless you pull the amp forward.

There are 4 small holes in each side panel of the centre section. These would have been where the drawer runners would have been fixed. They're only small though and I guess if you objected too much, you could use a small amount of white filler.

Legs that come with it were high enough to mean it would have been almost touching the bottom of my wall mounted TV (TV was already bolted to the wall, centre of screen is at eye level, so didn't want to alter it). I wanted a bit of clear 'air' between the two purely for aesthetic reasons. They do a variety of different legs for kitchen units, they were cheap enough so we bought the shortest they had in a style we liked.

I don't know if you've got an Ikea catalogue handy, or if your near enough to one to pop along and have a butchers at one yourself. I think this would be the best bet.
I use a this

It is ideal in my opinion as it is available in many different widths / height between shelves (Ideal for getting ventilation to the amp). It is well made, very strong and available in a quite a few different finishes (including wood legs if you fancy them). Also if you look about it can be found quite a bit cheaper than the list price :O)

Just a thought.


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