Help with a pair of Focal Aria 948 please

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unsleepable said:
So you live in Sevilla. I'm also from there, and know the shop. They carry B&W—and since you seem to be set on keeping the Devialet, maybe something like the PM-1 is worth a listen too.

Good call. The PM-1s are fabulous speakers.
But the PM-1 is a small speaker and he likes his bass.

From the vendor listing, I would shortlist the Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 and the Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand.

The amps I also mirror CnoEvil's suggestions.

Are you also planning to have a digital source in addition to your turntable? I guess a simple way is to get a simple USB DAC between your computer and the amp. Either that or a network player like the Pioneer N-50 that your dealer has listed.
Here are my suggestions (to add to your existing ideas):


- Prima Luna Primium Stereo (€2160)....try with the Vienna Acoustics

- Audio Research VSi60 (€5590)

- Copeland CTA405 (€2850)...try with the SF Olympicas (even has a valve phono stage).


- Sonus Faber - I see they only list the Toys, and not the Toy Towers.....if you like the Standmounts, they could probably get in the Towers.

- Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand (at €2700, this might fit the bill)
Hi again people.

I have just came back from my dealer's shop, with my ears in oversaturated condition *music2* . Its been a very productive afternoon.

First of all we tried to decide what amp to choose. I have listen to an Audio Research 110 tube amp, and some solid state ones (dont remeber all of them), then we listened at the devialet again...... and the devialet won. I will be ordering a devialet 200 so I could benefit from his excelent Phono Stage, and the SAM system.

Then we tried to do the marriage, and find the Dev some speakers that sounded like I wanted.

We tested these models:

B&W PM1 (didnt like em, weak sound)

Boston Acoustics M 350

Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 (Couldn't SAM em because the Devialet Web were down at the time of the test *dash1*)

Sonus Faber Olympia I

Focal Aria 948 (my old focals, that sounded better in the prepared listening room, but still not like I wanted them to sound)

Dali Icon 6

And to my surprise, the winner were the Boston Acoustics M 350. With very powerfull Bass, clean highs, and very room filling meds. These Speakers are relatively "cheap" listed as 1820€ (from 2600€), I couldn't believe that these speakers sounded better in my ears that other brands that allmost doubled them in price, but thats the truth.

My only concern is that the Venere's were in the second place for a low margin, and since I couldn't hear them properly "SAMed", they may sound better when benefiting from this system.

So finally I have reduced the list of posible candidates to these two models. What you think guys? as allways all advices are greatly wellcome.

The two final contenders:

Boston Acoustics M350:


Sonus Faber Venere 2.5


P. D. Aesthetics are secundary for me, I if finally go for the Veneres, I may try the 3.0 model that brings an extra bass cone. At an increased cost of course. Veneres 2.5 are 2800€ and 3.0 are 3600€.
The more you hear, the wiser you will become.

Make sure you hear your chosen speakers in your room, with the ability to return if necessary.

I'm glad you you are getting close to what you are your ears and go with your heart. Music is all about how it makes you feel, after all.
CnoEvil said:
Infiniteloop said:
Anyway, since you asked, I was very impressed with the Devialet. Very detailed and smooth, so not fatiguing at all. During the audition I found myself really enjoying the music, rather than trying to be critical about what I was listening to. I found the Devialet 200/Focal 1008Be combination very satisfying even though it's different to the type of sound I'm familiar with (a big, warm, romantic sounding 845 valve Amp). I asked the dealer to swap the 1008Be's for the Diablo's. Big mistake. Now I'm totally ruined.... I listened for a while with a big smile and then he SAM'ed them up. They were a completely different speaker. Still very detailed and transparent, but the soundstage became much wider and the music far richer and much more organic. To say SAM makes an enormous difference is a gross understatement. The dealer said he'd just got back from Focal where they had about 70 pairs of speakers awaiting the SAM process. The 1008Be's are amongst them. I guess that, on reflection, the Devialet with SAM makes the speakers disappear.

Whilst I was there, I had a very quick listen to a Burmester set up with Olympica III's. These were very rich, but sounded 'thick' too. The sound was very definitely coming out of (very attractive) boxes, and didn't do the disappearing act anywhere near like the Devialet 200/SAM/Utopia combination.

I'm overseas on business right now, but when I'm back, I will be placing my order.

(Apologies to the OP if I have Hijacked the thread somewhat.)

That all sounds brilliant.

One thought before you plunge for the Diablos....would you consider giving the New Kef Reference Three a dem when they come out (end of July), as I think they will also be a great match with the Devialet (the Blade is certainly supposed to be)?

Nb. The Ref Three are are £1800 cheaper than Diablos + Stands; and having the same drive units as the Baby Blades, they will give a very clean, detailed, articulate but not clinical sound, while having more scale/authority than a Standmount.

If you are spending this sort of money, you have nothing to lose but a little time. *biggrin*

Sorry if my report mislead you, but I'm not going to buy the Diablo's (not yet anyway.... Mrs Loop would have a cow!) I'm going to order the Devialet and enjoy it with the 1008Be's for a while. SAM should arrive for them in September by all accounts. Then I'll review if a speaker upgrade is necessary. The KEF's will be on my list at that time. - Thanks for the recommendation!
Infiniteloop said:
Sorry if my report mislead you, but I'm not going to buy the Diablo's (not yet anyway.... Mrs Loop would have a cow!) I'm going to order the Devialet and enjoy it with the 1008Be's for a while. SAM should arrive for them in September by all accounts. Then I'll review if a speaker upgrade is necessary. The KEF's will be on my list at that time. - Thanks for the recommendation!

Every serious audiophile needs a serious (cunning) long term plan (plot).

I hope to mooch a listen when my dealer gets some in......the Blades are the best speaker that I've heard, so a big taste of that would be good.
Infiniteloop said:
Sorry if my report mislead you, but I'm not going to buy the Diablo's (not yet anyway.... Mrs Loop would have a cow!) I'm going to order the Devialet and enjoy it with the 1008Be's for a while. SAM should arrive for them in September by all accounts. Then I'll review if a speaker upgrade is necessary. The KEF's will be on my list at that time. - Thanks for the recommendation!

Glad to hear You are going for a Dev 200, I'm going for one too. As a newbie I can't advice you properly, but after listening to a Dev 120 paired with the Boston Acoustics, I would recommend you give those "little" speakers a try. It cost nothing and they may be a surprise.

Confirmed about the SAM, my dealer claims than in september, the guys art Devialet Labs will be getting a load of top seller speakers to be SAMed, they need the SAM list to expand ASAP.

BTW the devialet website has just been updated with new looks and with the latest SAM aditions.
CnoEvil said:
Infiniteloop said:
Sorry if my report mislead you, but I'm not going to buy the Diablo's (not yet anyway.... Mrs Loop would have a cow!) I'm going to order the Devialet and enjoy it with the 1008Be's for a while. SAM should arrive for them in September by all accounts. Then I'll review if a speaker upgrade is necessary. The KEF's will be on my list at that time. - Thanks for the recommendation!

Every serious audiophile needs a serious (cunning) long term plan (plot).

I hope to mooch a listen when my dealer gets some in......the Blades are the best speaker that I've heard, so a big taste of that would be good.

I heard the new Reference 5 floorstanders the other week and they were stunning, so I'd fully expect the other models in the range to be highly impressive.
CnoEvil said:
Infiniteloop said:
Sorry if my report mislead you, but I'm not going to buy the Diablo's (not yet anyway.... Mrs Loop would have a cow!) I'm going to order the Devialet and enjoy it with the 1008Be's for a while. SAM should arrive for them in September by all accounts. Then I'll review if a speaker upgrade is necessary. The KEF's will be on my list at that time. - Thanks for the recommendation!

Every serious audiophile needs a serious (cunning) long term plan (plot).

I hope to mooch a listen when my dealer gets some in......the Blades are the best speaker that I've heard, so a big taste of that would be good.

There must be lots of us in the same boat.......

I'm not really a fan of floorstanders. They don't seem to suit my listening room. The last pair I heard in my room were ProAc D18's. They didn't do the 'disappearing act' that the 1008Be's do. I will, however, review all this when it's time.

I'd love to know what you think of the Devialet. I was surprised at just how good it is.
Without a doubt I would choose the Sonus Faber Venere over the Boston Acoustics. It's a superior quality speaker and that's what the Devialet deserves rather than what I consider to be a brash American AV speaker even though they're listed under their home audio section. The Boston Acoustics may wow initially but once you have developed a more discerning hearing in what is good and natural sound reproduction, the Sonus Faber would be the clear choice.

And all those drivers in your room with their inherent acoustic problems is going to be a disaster. I would even choose the 2.5 rather than the 3.0 but of course you should work it out with your dealer to try both and keep the one you prefer.

One more thing, while "relatively cheap" at EUR1820, don't forget the Bostons are only USD1250 speakers so they're no longer a good buy after making it across the Atlantic, whereas the Sonus Faber are priced closer to what they should be in Europe (although for some strange reason they sell even cheaper in US).
hifikrazy said:
Without a doubt I would choose the Sonus Faber Venere over the Boston Acoustics. It's a superior quality speaker and that's what the Devialet deserves rather than what I consider to be a brash American AV speaker even though they're listed under their home audio section. The Boston Acoustics may wow initially but once you have developed a more discerning hearing in what is good and natural sound reproduction, the Sonus Faber would be the clear choice.

And all those drivers in your room with their inherent acoustic problems is going to be a disaster. I would even choose the 2.5 rather than the 3.0 but of course you should work it out with your dealer to try both and keep the one you prefer.

One more thing, while "relatively cheap" at EUR1820, don't forget the Bostons are only USD1250 speakers so they're no longer a good buy after making it across the Atlantic, whereas the Sonus Faber are priced closer to what they should be in Europe (although for some strange reason they sell even cheaper in US).

I nearly wrote something very similar. All that stopped me, was that I didn't want to affect the OP's subjective preference at this stage; but since you mentioned it...

The SFs are a better implemented, more modern design than the M350s, which have a more resonant cabinet:

This doesn't matter a jot if the OP much prefers them to everything else; but if it's a close fight, I agree that long term, the SFs would be the better pick (especially as they are SAMable)
matthewpiano said:
I heard the new Reference 5 floorstanders the other week and they were stunning, so I'd fully expect the other models in the range to be highly impressive.

I'm envious. *music2*

I hope to hear the Ref Ones + Arcam A49 in the next month.....only out of academic interest. *diablo*
CnoEvil said:
The SFs are a better implemented, more modern design than the M350s, which have a more resonant cabinet:

Strange, Boston Acoustics sell them now at half the price than when they were reviewed by Stereophile.

Anyway, my opinion stands after reading this. The excessive upper bass energy would be a problem in the OP's room, especially when you can't give them enough space to breathe.
Yeah, the R500 is a good speaker and the R700 even better if you can get them to work in your room. I think between these two and the Venere 2.5, you have the right speaker at a decent price.
Many thanks for the advices guys.

On monday my dealer comes home to get the Krell and the Devialet 120 he lent me for testing back, and to get the full payment for the Rega RP10 that has just arrived to his supplier ( btw let me know if you want pics of this beautie). I will tell him to bring the Veneres and the N350s and make a final test at home, and will see if I can get any KEF for testing also.

Honestly, the quality and design of the speaker, although considered, is secondary for me. What I value most is the sound they give, and which one is the closest to my desired sound. I will be listening mostly to pop/rock, techno and some classic Heavy Metal from the 80's and need bass for them, lets see if my room is not messing around with the sound again, what is sounding delicious in my dealers listening place, It may sound awfull in my problematic room, we'll see.

P.D @ Unsleepable: Nice to see You live in Seville too. Tried to PM you but couldn't find the utility in the web. Would have been awesome that you could had come to the listening session. *good*
Krorghar said:
I will be listening mostly to pop/rock, techno and some classic Heavy Metal from the 80's and need bass for them

I see, in that case, I take back what I said before. The Boston M350 would suit fine.
hifikrazy said:
Krorghar said:
I will be listening mostly to pop/rock, techno and some classic Heavy Metal from the 80's and need bass for them

I see, in that case, I take back what I said before. The Boston M350 would suit fine.

Why you say that please Hificrazy? Maybe the SF veneres are not fit for that kind of music? I am doing somethnig wrong here? *unknw*
Hificrazy will no doubt answer for himself, but imo. he is suggesting that type of music doesn't need the subtle nuances which Classical/Jazz/Acoustic stuff thrive on.

I personally suspect that a SAM'd Venere will out perform the M350, and an R500 will be better again.

FWIW. I feel a great Amp/Speaker combination encourage the exploration of other genres of music.
Yes, the Sonus Fabers tend to be more suited to classical jazz acoustic type music so that you can hear the timbre of the instruments, the loveliness of a good vocalist, etc. I've usually found that they are a bit slow in the bass which is not really to my liking but they are very natural sounding speakers. Just look at them with the woodwork and leather craftmanship and you already get an idea how they're tuned to sound. Think Rolls Royce rather than Nissan GTR.

Based on your choice of music however, what you need is a punchy, tight, fast and exciting sounding speaker. Naturalness isn't all that critical because let's face it, pop and techno is synthetic sounding anyway with all that autotune etc. And with lyrics being screamed in heavy metal music, I guess the subtlety of a Sonus Faber isn't called for either.


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