CnoEvil said:Hi there, and welcome.
Coming from the warm cosy sound of yesteryear, Devialet + Focal would indeed be a bit of a shock. You are combining two components that have a very clean, detailed and "hear-through" sound.
If you like the Devialet, then you might look at speakers from Sonus Faber, Harbeth and Spendor Classic range. If you want to stick with the Focals, look at SS amps like Sugden, Electrocomaniet and Arcam; or Valve amps from Unison Research and Icon Audio.
Hybrid amps from Croft or Pathos could also work for you.
I used to own a pair of Chorus 836, but I upgraded to Electra 1038. From my experience I can tell you Focal speakers definitely produce brighter highs in comparison to a vareity of other speakers within the same price range. I can also tell you with confidence that the Focals do not lack in producing taut punchy bass. However, matching a complementing amp is essential for your Focals. CnoEvil in particular, Matt49, and Iceman16 helped me in my quest for pairing a great amp with my speakers. Seek their adivce. IMHO, based on what you have provided. you're experiencing an amp-speaker mismatch.
In addition to a matching amp, you definitely need proper cables (speaker cables, interconnects, and power cords) in your setup, in order to smooth out the highs and generate an even more punchy bass. I do realize that all of these creates more costs, but in the end it is absolutely worth it.