Help..Strange stuff inside my Missions.


New member
Apr 18, 2010

I was sitting reading the instruction manual from my Mission 70 speakers and it suggests tightening the bass drivers periodically, so being the fiddler that I am I took the back off one of the speakers and was surprised to find a large,thick piece of white fibre/foam type matting stuff filling the speaker cavity. I've always felt these speakers are a little bright and am wondering if this 'matting' is something the previous owner has put there to reduce the bass. Do any of you guys know if it's meant to be there?


Its acoustic dampening, it absorbing the vibrational energy of the drivers, so if I was you I would leave it where it is.
You'll find such damping material inside most speakers - without it, most speakers would sound boomy and boxy, due to internal reflections...
Ah, so allowing our ferrets to get into my TDL RTL2s would have been a good thing? Darn it! If I had known I wouldn't have spent so much time and money on the Spendors and mucking about with cables and such! Damn!!!


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