Help needed setting up sub!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi i just recieved my BKXLS 200 sub and it comes with a Neutrik Highlevel cable, do i just put the wires in the same ports as the speakers? I can see where to put the red white and black leads from the cable by following the diagram, but wasnt sure if i needed another set of ports other that the ones i use for my 685's?

sorry for the basic question, i have no idea what im doing!

ps. please can you try and avoid hifi lingo in your replies as im rubbish!
if you have a second set of speakers outs that are switchable connect to those then you can decide whether you want the sub on or off - i sometimes turn mine off for late night listening - you can also do this on the sub with power button but on most subs its at the back right at the bottom and you risk knocking your settings - otherwise just connected directly to the same as the speakers - active sub can be connected to the same as the speakers as they draw ni power away from the speakers just a signal

also if i was you i would start with the sub set to about 60hz crossover and the volume at about 9/10 o'clock and fiddle from there
The high level cable on my Rel sub goes from the main speaker posts, same as the main speakers. I only have one negative lead on the sub cable so putting that into either negative should work.

You can also put high level cable into the 'B' speaker posts if your amp has them. That allows you to listen either to the sub alone (just for fun) or to cut the sub from the music by using only 'A' speker output.

Enjoy mate, I love my subwoofer and can't remember life without it.

Remember to set your sub up again after running it in for a while. The sound will change after some use if it is new.