It's amusing how people are trying to dodge the 'legacy' label like it was a virus or something.
If you have a stereo pair of speakers (active, or passive, or 'powered passive'), in separate cabinets, then that ship has sailed. You've got legacy.
If you are debating it on a hi-fi forum (in the hi-fi section) ... it's legacy.
Someone mentioned an optical connection to their TV. FFS! I do that!
If I do it, then it's 'legacy' by definition. (I am 53.)
My g#d you'll be talking about your TV's roof aerial next! Even streaming tv wirelessly to my tablet seems 'legacy' nowadays. So many of us middle-aged farts are doing it.
Look at the ages of the Chromecast Audio buyers on the John Lewis website ...
... so many of them over 65s and 55 - 64s!
(It's probably why it's doing so well in the readers votes thread elsewhere on this forum because we have such an old - sorry 'legacy' - demographic here!)
Apologies to any groovy young sprigs who are 'legacy dodging' to appear younger and .. spriggier. The genuinely hip, young and groovy seem to be buying our old LPs and installing turntables.