Help In Upgrading my faithfull panasonic px70 plasma

old hornet

New member
Nov 17, 2007
Its time to upgrade to a 50" plasma.I have seen TX-P50C2B Panasonic in Comet for £599.99 which seams a bargain,but there are no uk reviews.Looking at the spec on usa sites it is similar to X10 but has less hdmi and no filter.I have played with the tv in comet and it seams excellent.I know it is not full HD but neither is my current tv.The picture still looks great via my sky hd,ps3(games only),denon dvd and panasonic blue ray.I hope these will all work on the new set?My budget is about £800 or are there any good 50" of 46" sets out there worth looking at.

cheers all

old hornet
TX-P50C20B is the entry level plasma screen from Panasonic. It is made of inferior picture processing circuits and materials than higher models, and I really cannot recommend it.

See if you can stretch it to TX-P50X20B. A much better screen and usually not that much more expensive.


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