Hello, all. Long time lurker, first time post.
I've become stuck in deciding on a new integrated amp. I simply cannot decide on what should power my KEF LS50's because I've researched
too much.
My wishlist:
- Max spend $2500
- DAC/Digital inputs
- Sub Out w/Bass Control or crossover (this is surprisingly difficult)
- Phono Input
- Prefer class AB amp, but there are some enticing class D amps that I've just discovered (Parasond NewClassic, for example) and have thus caused me to yet again reset my search.
Here's what I've looked into:
- Emotiva BasX TA1 or 2 - this literally checks every box, but I don't know much about the brand and reviews are scant (other that your typical YouTube personality)
- Cambridge CXA81 - current frontrunner; concerns about effectiveness of bass control and not having tone control
- Yamaha A-S801 - Strongly considering, same concerns about bass control
- Parasound NewClassic 200 - just discovered this last night and am intrigued, but class D amp
- Cambridge EVO 150 - Can't help but think separates are "safer" than an all-in-one from a repair/reliability standpoint
- NAD C 369 or 389
- Sonos Amp - I had a gen 2 and not sure I want to go down that road again
Anything else I should consider?
Thanks for any and all help/recommendations!