Hegel h80 + Kef r300


New member
Mar 23, 2014
I've bought Hegel h80 after pm6004 and arcam a19

Compared in shop

A38 vs Hegel h80 - Hegel was better in bass lesser laid back more naturel sounding, dynamics were also better. Also more transparant.

:dance: Greatest sound ever. Bass control is the best ive ever heard in stereo. Imaging is perfect. Soundstage is also very large.

In comparison de a19 sounded if there were a blanket on it. To laid back for my feeling also lesser detail.

Midrange was recessed so hegel was much beter. It feels more naturel and massive.

intern hegel h80dac and irdac are the same could not say there was a difference between them.

This combination has been tempting me for a while. I have heard both, but not when used together. Im at the point of choosing between this combo or a pair of AVI ADM9RS's. Iv also heard the AVI's, but the prospect of having that extra bass for parties and my Dubstep addiction without the need for a sub does attract me.

I dont surpose the OP has heardthe AVI's and has any comparisons to make? Or any one else?

The KEF's and Hegel H80 is twice the price though!
For those like me curious to know why they've never read about Hegel anywhere other than on this forum (!), here are some reviews of the H80:


It gets a lot of love in Europe.

Given how interesting the features are on this amp (DAC + digital inputs), you'd think it would get more coverage here. I suppose the lack of dealers is to blame. I've only found one (Igloo) that stocks it for £1300. But then the NAD D3020/7050 is only stocked by Sevenoaks.

The new Musical Fidelity M3si also looks interesting: http://www.musicalfidelity.com/products/m3series/m3si/
Hi renokki. Thanks for your review.

Would you say that the Hegel is warmer than the A38 and A19? And how do they compare in the higher frequencies? Thanks.
Hello Unsleepable, the arcam is good but the Hegel sounds better. It's more an amplifier.

How would I explain. If you listen to the music the sound is more transparant more realistic.

The arcam a19 had also good bass, but on the hegel it was tighter.

Imaging is so realistic on the Hegel its just seperation of instruments you feel were the instruments are.

The arcam a38 was also more realisitic than the a19 but the bass was tighter on the a19.

The hegel had massive bass control. It just a very black deep sound.

I think the biggest difference are the dynamics. If someone is singing the arcam a19 is just a bit slower from low to high.

Also the midrange was more upfront on the hegel. The hegel can go very high to very low.

If i had to give a score price/sound than the hegel is a 10, arcam a38 a 9 and arcam a19 an 8 and marantz pm6004 a 6.

First I thought that the hegel had just more body but than after reviewed it for real there is so much more in it.

For the price the arcam is great but the hegel h80 is doubtless. If i want to improve this sound I have to get a much more expensive amplifier.

I think I can't go any better than what I'm experiecing now. Bach and Motzart just didn't do it for me but on the hegel h80 its the greatest experience stereo I've ever had. :dance:
The highs are great on both arcam and hegel h80 but the midrange is better on the hegel.

The hegel is not warmer. Totally not! It's more aggressive and transparant. But totally not boomy.

I think youve got nad wich is more a disco amp for my feeling than youve got hegel in between much more rest and than on the other side youve got the arcam wich is much more laid back. So youve got from left to right NAD = Disco hard bass. Than hegel more neutral than on the right arcam a19 more laid back but if there is a blanket on the midrange. Both of 3 are not warm. The marantz pm6004 is more warm sounding but don't mix very well with kef r300 compared to the more neutral hegel.
Well, thanks!

I also find the midrange of the A19 a tad recessed for my liking, and agree that the bass department is much improved. I was thinking of a power amp upgrade, since I think I will eventually go back to a DAC/preamp and have a single remote for everything. After discarding Exposure, a P38 is an obvious choice, but I was thinking of maybe waiting for an eventual P39 as I rather like the path that Arcam is taking with their new products in regards to sound.

Maybe Hegel is something to look into, although their power amps are quite expensive. But since their integrateds also have digital inputs, maybe that would also be a good solution.

Thanks again for your feedback and happy you are enjoying your kit.
Hi renokki

I had a quick listen to our H80 amplifier last night and I've find the H80 have a detailed, fluid, fast, grippy, tight and dynamic sound. I particularly like the H80's reproduction of bass - punchy and powerful 🙂

Anyway looking forward to hearing the H300 and especially the H30 :twisted:

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

It's sounding very very nice, its an real amplifier! What I mean by that, it is sounding so neutral! Not to much bass not to much laid back, just how sound has to sound. The Kef sound is also very neutral so the imaging is so lifelike its when ray charles/blues/ jazz musicians are in youre room singing with so much peace around them. Every little detail is heard.
The Norwegians do know how to build a good amplifier don't they 😉 :grin:

I have heard an older model from Hegel I can't remember the model but I can remember that it was very good indeed !
You guys must be imagining things because the know-it-alls on this forum claim that solid state amps all sound the same.
hifikrazy said:
You guys must be imagining things because the know-it-alls on this forum claim that solid state amps all sound the same.

No they don't.

The 'know-it-alls' know better than that.......... 8)
Hegel H200, Electro ECI5II, ATC SIA2 are the best sounding integrated in £3000 category IMO.. Hegel beats costing twice as much Accuphase in sound depart in one on one audition ( not necessarily in 'looking nice on the shelf' depart).
It doesn't bother me what the know all persons say I like my sound very much 8) I just love my music more in every bit of detail.

The hegel sounds very good :cheers:
plastic penguin said:
Electro said:
The Norwegians do know how to build a good amplifier don't they 😉 :grin:

Except for the hideous, penny-pinching PVC front facia.

You have obviously not seen the replacement cost if one was to get damaged !

The Plexiglass front panel is the classic range trademark style and has been for about 30 years .

They did make a special edition granite front that is gorgeous !

I wish they still made them like this 🙂

Electro said:
plastic penguin said:
Electro said:
The Norwegians do know how to build a good amplifier don't they 😉 :grin:

Except for the hideous, penny-pinching PVC front facia.

You have obviously not seen the replacement cost if one was to get damaged !

The Plexiglass front panel is the classic range trademark style and has been for about 30 years .

They did make a special edition granite front that is gorgeous !

I wish they still made them like this 🙂


It's perhaps an example of sticking a high price on something in order to create the idea the item must therefore be extraordinary high quality.

It may well be a special type of plastic that costs a fortune to produce or it may be quite ordinary stuff that is given a huge price tag in the knowledge that a great many people equate price with quality.

I like the idea of the granite though. There's quite a few varieties of granite out there that look different and you could come up with a few different looks.

Polished marble would be an idea too maybe.
lpv said:
Hegel H200, Electro ECI5II, ATC SIA2 are the best sounding integrated in £3000 category IMO.. Hegel beats costing twice as much Accuphase in sound depart in one on one audition ( not necessarily in 'looking nice on the shelf' depart).

Which Accuphase?

Hegel H200 498,000 yen

Accuphase E-360 410.400 yen

Accuphase E-600 734,400 yen

I think the issue is more that Accuphase are a ripoff outside of Japan. AFAIK the prices get doubled.
I should have been edit my post - that was Hegel H100 and Accuphase E-460 with some Vienna Acoustics floorstanders (don't know the model) auditioned in Europe. In fact the Accu amp was close to 3 times the price of Hegel and the sound of H100 was simply better in any depart.
lpv said:
I should have been edit my post - that was Hegel H100 and Accuphase E-460 with some Vienna Acoustics floorstanders (don't know the model) auditioned in Europe. In fact the Accu amp was close to 3 times the price of Hegel and the sound of H100 was simply better in any depart.

Personal taste perhaps. I like Accuphase, but not my first choice. They can sound a bit too laid back. nice warmth and texture. I wouldn't pair Accuphase with Vienna Acoustics, personally. Heard some Accuphase amps in a very lacklustre pairing with some Kef R700s, too...


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