insider9 said:
It's been about 3 months and I still got the Rost. Still impressed with it on a daily basis. And most importantly it gets me to listen to music. On a good day, this week it was Monday. I've listened to 4 new (to me) albums.
One thing I would like to clarify though is my statement regarding USB input sounding congested when compared to SPDIF.
Not long after I posted my review a mate of mine said
"I've got this fancy USB cable you should really hear it."
He knows my position on cables. But since he was so enthusiastic I tried.
First test was to compare it to SPDIF. I made sure I level matched it properly. A lot in the line here and I'm not having any claims unsubstantiated. AB comparison showed no difference. But how could it be? Using a cheap cable "USB felt congested". It must be the fancy cable. Surely!
So I started to research why it could be. With Hegel USB DAC being synchronous there could be an instances that a cable makes a difference. Interesting
After a few days I decided that since I heard such difference I should be able to measure it. Unfortunately no luck. Both cables measured the same...
I popped the cheap printer cable back in compared it to SPDIF... No difference. Tried the fancy one... Also no difference.
So is there any explanation to this? There is about 1dB difference in levels when comparing USB and SPDIF. Not sure it is in any way related to a player I used but I had to attenuate SPDIF more than USB when level matching. This is the only reason why I think I could've heard USB sounding congested.
So if you fancy using Hegel Rost via USB input go right ahead. I've been doing this for the last 6 weeks. And since it's synchronous you may even benefit from a cable upgrade *biggrin*
Like a snake oil salesman. I read that usb spdif converters like audiophilio used to improve the digital audio coming out of a pc's usb port. By eliminating power noise, and using their own internal clock. But that was in 2012.
Apparently the new ps direct stream dac2, and gen 2 auralic dacs already come with galvanic isolation and all that the audiophilio used to have at their usb inputs. So adding a external USB spdif convertor into their dac inputs didn't make absolutely any difference.
Now I don't think hegel went to the same extent in designing their usb input on the hegel rost. So the difference you are getting between the USB and spdif input on the rost, might be pc noise.
Skin the snake not the salesman