QuestForThe13thNote said:I don’t think the younger generation do moan, they are just anxious of the future which will all have at that age. With housing it is difficult and it is a case of priorities but not many young people can afford buying houses in all circumstances, where this was once the case where multiples of earnings to house price were 1:3, now it’s commonly 1:7+. disposable incomes are lower too with the higher rents people pay especially if you are around London.
I worked for a central London firm in one of my first jobs and everyone in the company, of about a 1000 people, was given a free £1000 holiday. I was only about 25. I went to Thailand and Singapore. Everyone was buzzing. So I’d say if they are buying posh coffee and you are making your own Nescafé or whatever, instead of spending £500 on a furman, get a really posh coffee maker for your studio so they don’t buy Costa coffee or whatever, and they won’t be in the morning coffee shop on the way to work but doing work for you instead. Plus your interests are more aligned.
We did the posh coffee maker for the office thing a few years ago. One of those that froths the milk etc. It was a lump of Stilton after two months because none of them were prepared to clean it. We tried the holiday thing just before Christmas when we took everybody to Paris for a night out and two days sightseeing. We actually had fun and some of them even spoke! We shall see after Christmas whether that has “aligned” us all...