Handshake issues : can I solve this?

Dec 26, 2014
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So I got a Denon AVR-X2100W a few days ago. Works fine and getting use to the sound (coming from Marantz). I do seem to have some handshake issues though, and not sure if I can fix this. Already tried different cables, other hdmi inputs, difference sequences to power on devices. Nothing helps. The receiver is connected to both a Panasonic 50G60 (hdmi out 1) and Epson TW9200W projector (hdmi out 2). So what are this issues I'm having:

* When playing the Mac Mini HTPC or PS4, video sometimes drops (for a brief sec) on the TV. this happens about every 30mins.

* When playing the Mac Mini on my projector, I am unable to get any handshake at all (already tried resetting PVRAM). This was NO issue with my Marantz.

* When playing the PS4 on the projector, screen sometimes goes dark (every 10mins or so), restores quickly.

All other devices (Cable, BluRay player) show no problems. I already tried putting the Mac Mini on the same cable as the Bluray player, but no solution.

If this could be a Denon-related problem, I might consider swapping it for a Marantz SR5009 (since my previous Marantz SR6007) worked without any problems.


Well-known member
Is the video being passed through the Denon or is it being processed by the Denon, if it is being processed by the Denon, try switching to pass through to see if this solves the problem.

Hope this helps



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