dim_span said:TrevC said:dim_span said:so .... (for those that want nothing but the 'best') *mail1*
you have expensive speakers, and have invested in expensive cables ...
what about the speaker's binding posts?
Most people would answer this with the statement “They’re gold platted”, and of course you may well be correct, however the biggest factor effecting the sound of these is not what they’re covered in, it’s what is being covered in the first place!Virtually all binding posts on your speakers or your amplifier will be a combination most likely based around Brass. Sadly, Brass is a diabolical audio component. Covering it with gold, or indeed some other exotic metal, may well stop it tarnishing, but it does little to mask the brittle, glaringly hard and poorly detailed sound. What’s that we hear you say “my system sound great!”. Well that may well be the case, but the point we’re making is, if it sounds great now, your going to be stunned into silence when you hear how good it could be.The irony is of course that manufacturers spend massive amounts of time and money to produce what they feel to be the best amplifier they can make, speaker manufacturers just the same. Also, we’re all well aware of the huge improvements that quality cable can make. And yet, for the most part, all of this effort is thrown to the dogs by just this one item in the signal chain. Your binding posts.
Some time ago, we realised that the binding posts were dramatically effecting the sound of our amplifiers, so, we set about trying to find something that would do the job much much better. It turned out to be no mean feet. One of the very very best transmitters for an audio signal is copper. Not the cheap Copper/Nickel that most companies use but pure solid oxygen free Copper. Milled from a solid bar.
Are you being serious? It's hard to tell, but the binding posts are not a problem as long as they are well made, gripping the wire tightly to make a good contact.
The guy who makes the copper binding posts has loads of respect in the hifi industry .... I have 3 of his components in my hifi system (amp/CDP and Tuner)
suppose that if you have expensive speakers and amp etc and can hear differences in speaker cables and interconnects, the copper binding posts at £200 per pair may be worth looking at ?
some guys spend the same amount of money on speakers as what they spend on cables (from what I have read on this thread).... so these could be a bargain
I visited the shyster's website.
"we realised that the binding posts were dramatically effecting the sound of our amplifiers"
Like heck they did.