Clare Newsome:
Oh come on, we didn't say it was perfect - it got four stars, and stressed that the sound was the biggest BD benefit
As we said at the time, it's a clear step up from the DVD. If there's going to be an even-better version, that's superb news - wouldn't be first time and won't be the last that an initial disc release gets improved on.
The fact that Universal may be paying for that second release is great news - they could have just released an 'ultimate edition' etc (and i'm sure they will anyway).
You said it was very film like and what Ridley Scott intended.Not once did it ever look film like and the main reason we have a new transfer is because the first transfer was as far away as possible to what Mr Scott intended, and that's why he has personally supervised the new transfer.Trust me this is not just a transfer which as taken away artificial application but a complete new scan.
No studio in the world goes to this much length and cost and to give it away in an exchange programme if there was nothing wrong with the first scan, no matter what their press release says. Your review was shocking and once you view the new transfer you will see that this is the version which only looks like HD and not a upconverted dvd. Watch any medium and long shot and see the difference in real Hd. Example every stone in the desert or every blade of grass in the fields as no real definition in the old blu ray.Its a process mess of blotches and blur.Just wait to you see the new transfer which shows these for the first time on blu ray.
Please don't try and tell the people this new transfer as come about because this is what studio's do.This transfer as come about because of the out cry of the original blu ray and how poor it was.You told people in your review that the people complaining were wrong saying "what did they expect a Disney Film" What they expected was a film which should look like film with plenty of Hd detail in every scene.
So in conclusion the old version is not a clear upgrade from the dvd.Its not very film like, its not what Mr Scott intended and studios do not go back and do a 4k scan for new a transfer and then do exchange programme for free because they feel like it.Thanks to many professional reviewers who saw the faults and like me and Mr Scott any many others thouht the original was a poor blu ay and thats why we have new transfer. Just hope in time you enjoy the new transfer and except that the reason it has come about is because reviews like yours were wrong and all the complainer's were right.