Our music collections no longer have to consist of yards of LPs (or even CDs) and can now be stored in full quality on a device the size of a *** packet.
A good quality system need no longer comprise of stacks of separates on huge steel racks.
A decent TV set is no longer a box the size of a chest of drawers. It is light and flat and goes on the wall.
Why - after all that space saving - do people endure with their really deep loudspeaker cabinets that - manufacturers insist - have to be placed far away from walls and corners (almost sitting in the listener's lap in some smaller rooms).
What has happened to loudspeakers designed to be tucked away against walls, in corners, on shelves or on brackets etc?
Why have we all been hoodwinked into believing that a narrow speaker is a 'smaller' speaker even though it's baffle is often sitting over a metre into your space and it's almost two-and-a-half times deeper at the back than it is wide!
With new properties getting smaller by the year, why is it still the overwhelming 'fashion' to have deep speakers that can't go anywhere near a wall or a corner without mis-behaving?
A good quality system need no longer comprise of stacks of separates on huge steel racks.
A decent TV set is no longer a box the size of a chest of drawers. It is light and flat and goes on the wall.
Why - after all that space saving - do people endure with their really deep loudspeaker cabinets that - manufacturers insist - have to be placed far away from walls and corners (almost sitting in the listener's lap in some smaller rooms).
What has happened to loudspeakers designed to be tucked away against walls, in corners, on shelves or on brackets etc?
Why have we all been hoodwinked into believing that a narrow speaker is a 'smaller' speaker even though it's baffle is often sitting over a metre into your space and it's almost two-and-a-half times deeper at the back than it is wide!
With new properties getting smaller by the year, why is it still the overwhelming 'fashion' to have deep speakers that can't go anywhere near a wall or a corner without mis-behaving?