Question Fyne Audio F301 or Klipsch R-51M speakers


Sep 13, 2020
Hi 👋

I’m about to upgrade my hifi set up and I’m trying to decide between Fyne Audio F301s and the Klipsch R-51Ms. Does anyone have any experience with either? They’ll be paired with a Cambridge Audio Topaz AM10 and an Audio Technica AT LP5 turntable.

A lot of my vinyl is reggae so bass performance is a concern for me. Obviously I’ll only get so much bass for my buck with bookshelf speakers but that’s what’ll fit!

Also interested to know of other recommendations in the same sort of price range. I must admit that I love the look of the Klipsch speakers so I’m trying not to be swayed by appearances.
Hi, welcome to this forum.
Can you actually audition any of these speakers?
It would be good to get something that you like the sound of in your room rather than having many different opinions as to what we think you should buy.
For what it's worth your amplifier should be able to drive either of your choice of speakers reasonably well.
Having said that if it is bass you're after the Klipsch are probably the better choice in this case, but the Fyne is the better "all round" speaker if you can give it some space away from rear wall.
Please note this is simply my opinion
You might, instead of separate passive speakers and amp, get more bang for your buck looking at the active version of the Klipsch speakers, the R-51PM. Mentioned as they're well reviewed, but also enjoy good deep bass apparently.

Techradar review here :-

About £400 a pair. Worth a look and likely rather better than your Topaz AM10 amp I'd say.

Edit: just noticed these might be truly active and might have the amplification in one speaker only, and the other is the "slave". Worth checking.
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Thanks for the advice. Will take a look a the powered option though it might overstretch my budget a bit (don’t think I could sell the existing Topaz for much). Luckily I only listen to vinyl so as long as I get the input right the first time I could afford to lose the remote 😀

Shame it’s a bit tricky to demo speakers at the moment with all the Covid restrictions. I’ll have to take a punt!
The Klipsch fives and sixes are also extremely attractive speakers that are well reviewed. Have basically any and all connections you might need. Pricey, but incredibly gorgeous.
I am in a somewhat similar position with this choice. I actually have 2 systems and one of them has the Klispch R 51M which I love, I have them coupled with a Cambridge SX 120 Sub which with fine tuning blends seamlessly.
My other system has floor stander Monitor Audios and I need to sell them on as I cannot have them out into the room where they would breath better, So I am considering the Klipsch R 51 M or the Fyne F 301 and maybe adding a sub - however the Receiver in that room has no 'Sub out' so need a sub that takes speaker level ( separate issue!)
I love the Klipsch R 51 M's they play music and sound nice at all levels with, or without, the sub!
I am interested to hear them side by side with the Fyne Audio F 301's which sound great in online reviews.
I will be interested to see how you get along!
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I have a pair of both Fyne F 301 & Klipsch RP51 M.
One on each set up I have compared a lot! Fyne reach down deeper inthe bass but Klispch boogie and are more dynamic - however they roll off a little earlier in the bass than the Fyne's
The Fynes suit clssical music and some jazz - I actually run both with a sub (each) If you could add a sub as well initialluy or later then the Klipsch may suit your music better - they are certainly more tactile and brighter - I have eneded up adding a extra tweeter to the Fynes and just today played them side by side andthe balance is closer -
Not really sure what I would do if I had no sub and wanted to listen to reggie - the Klipsch will playy it well albbeit without the very bottom end


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