Fubar IV

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Well, temptation got the better of me, just ordered one (complete with tattoo).

Thanks to everyone for the info, but most of all thanks for whetting my appetite, it's been a very long time since I actually bought any audio kit.

Next, new headphones.
matengawhat:no its a 100euros more to not have the tattoo - always was for me if you changed the drop down the price went up

I never noticed the price change, tbh I didn't really pay that much attention as I wanted the tattoo version.
just as an update to a post i made somewhere about the fubar not sure which thread - when connected to a computer using the usb the fubar IV just acts as a line out not a pre amplifier - the volume knob makes no difference at all to the volume of the output which i think someone was asking about
Although I'll find out this week obv
Diamond Joe:

Well, temptation got the better of me, just ordered one (complete with tattoo).

Thanks to everyone for the info, but most of all thanks for whetting my appetite, it's been a very long time since I actually bought any audio kit.

I've gone from casually browsing for DAC/headphone amps to ordering one of these in about an hour flat thanks to this thread - you should all be ashamed of yourselves

Very impressed with the price though - I shall report back with my findings once it arrives. It's my intention to use it with an Airport Express and a set of Grado SR80i's. Hopefully this should make a nice little combination. Fingers crossed eh?

Almost sprang for the Supplier power supply at the same time, but decided to leave that for a later date (something to look forward to).

Anyway, thanks for the info.
Interesting you mention that D.J I was thinking of the Fubar fed from an Airport Express myself so I hope you'll post your findings on line when you've had chance to give it a good listening too.

Trouble is there are just so many choices and hmmmmm
I'm very pleased with mine, it only took 2 days to come, very good service there. I bought it primarily for use with my laptop, using USB (sadly no optical on my cheap laptop) the output from the Fubar IV is night and day compared to the headphone socket on the laptop.

I'm not very good at describing what I hear, but I'll have a go. The sound is clean and crisp with a good dynamic range, detail resolution is great, it'll drag out instruments I couldn't previously hear. The sound has greater width (is that the right term?) than before, bass isn't overblown, mind you my old Beyer DT331s are fairly light weight, but I like the result, although new headphones are at the top of my upgrade list (and as Chebby said - then the Supplier, then a new op-amp...).

All in all it's a very enjoyable sound, I even listened to 2 albums on Spotify last night, I could have listened longer but it was getting late.

I bought the Fubar IV in isolation so I can't comment how it compares to other DAC/headphone amps. At 125EUR it was a bargain, even at 225EUR I think it's still a bargain. And it is sooo cute

p.s. If I can find my one and only optical cable I'll plumb my Humax 9300T into it to see if it can improve the DVB radio.
2oldnslow:I was thinking of the Fubar fed from an Airport Express myself so I hope you'll post your findings on line when you've had chance to give it a good listening to.

Yep, certainly will. At the moment I'm listening with my SR80i's straight from the 3.5mm analogue jack on the Airport Express, feeding it with Apple Lossless files from iTunes. It's by no means awful, but I know the DAC in the AEx isn't up to much, so I'm hoping the Fubar IV will pep things up a bit.

On the subject of the Airport Express, does anyone have anything to say about using an aftermarket half-decent figure-of-eight lead with it instead of the bog standard plug that it comes with?

Equally, the same question applies to those of you with the Firestone Supplier - are you just using the standard mains cable? I know mains cables are a contentious issue, but always interested to hear opinions!

I'll keep you posted on my Airport Express experiment in due course. Incidentally, those of you that received yours recently, what courier service were they delivered by and how long did they take? Ordered mine Sunday night, so expecting it soon!
so jd did it arrive?

i'm listening to itunes at moment through computer on a system i don't know very well at all as its kit i've had for a while but not used recently and never together

study system is made up of itunes all at lossless on computer to fubar IV via USB although my computer has an optical out so might try that shortly into a Cyrus 7 amp using a merlin chopin interconnect onto a pair of focal 908s using chord silverscreen

well my first impression are great soundstage very open and detailed, great treble, a very easy listen but seems bass light but not sure how much of that is also laid at the speakers as when they were in my old set up i always felt the same a little bass light

i have a supplier in my bed room on my headphone rig and i will bring it in at some point and give it a go in here and see what a difference it makes as has added some extra punch to my headphone seyup

guess really need for someone to confirm that by swapping the opamp it also alters the sound from the pre outs and not just the headphone out!
oh dear - thought poss not as expected an update at some point this after!

couple of untidt pics of study - please ignore the cable just kind of threw together at weekend!


My Fubar IV arrived about an hour ago, so I've only had time for a very cursory listen. I'll leave it a bit longer before I offer opinions on the sound (and that should give it a chance to warm up a bit).

However, initial impressions? Really well-built unit, very compact and sturdy. At the moment I'm using it plugged into my iMac via USB as my new optical cable for the Airport Express hasn't been delivered yet, so that experiment will have to wait.

My only minor gripe is that because it's a European power supply it's plugged into the mains via a two-pin adapter, which seems a bit flimsy. I'll either look into the logistics of replacing the adapter with a UK three-pin one (24v 0.5A - not sure where I'd get one) or longer term look at the Supplier.

Proper opinions will come later once I've had a chance to evaluate it properly. Needless to say, it's looking pretty good so far...
JohnDuncan:And before anybody asks...NO.

did you get your confirmation shipping invoice?

mine came by tnt and they always deliver late afternoon where i live its norm like 4 so always have to be patient with them!!!
JohnDuncan:I have an order confirmation, not a shipping confirmation. They say 3-4 business days, which would be today tops. Am not actually panicking just yet...

The delivery man has probably gone from my house straight to your place. Probably.


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