QuestForThe13thNote said:
The reference ones are revealing and I think you probably need better amplification to do them justice and get near their best.
But im still not sure why you want to upgrade and what you are trying to achieve as haven’t really heard back from you on that score I don’t think.
Also conceivably it’s possible to get as good a combination with your Leema and a more modest pair of speakers around £2-£3k as it is spending £5k on kef ref ones. I always think spend at least as much on amps to speakers and on really good speakers spend more on amps because you get the best out of them.
i don’t think ls50s would be a significant upgrade, possibility a sideways step. Something like pmc twenty5 21s or 22s would be a very good upgrade and suit the amp perfectly. How come discounting them? Or similar good speakers of that ilk ie slightly smaller cabinet speaker like yours. Kef reference ones are big boxes and there are the issues of your room, and whilst they are great, are they really worth it and value for matching with your amp and room and as a combination with the amp. I’d doubt it on these scores. I think you might find it too revealing and bright especially in a relatively small room and with the Leema too.
If you like b and w then maybe go for a better one in the range is the answer as you’ll know what you’ll get. I’ve never thought much of most b and ws but each to their own.
I am quite happy with the cm 6 but i do feel that the tucana ii has got more to offer and will perform a lot better with better speakers. Do correct me if i am wrong.
few years back when I auditioned r300 and cm 5 i found them to be of same charecteristic and only reason i choose cm5 was again because of their smaller size, i felt they are better suited for my room and also i may have been a little biased. I have this liking for BW, my first ever hifi speakers were dm601s1 and i got climatized, if you will, with bw sound. Even when i had the 21s I kept missing that sound.
Although i want to audition kef and focal, focal because my wife think they look fabulous and will go with our decor, i am pretty sure when i upgrade the speakers it will be most likely 805 D (if i find a good 2nd hand pair) or 805 D3. Unless ofcourse focal sounds as good as they look and if they HAVeE speakers in £3-5 k range.