First HiFi


New member
Aug 10, 2019
After using PC speakers, and my PC as my main audio system for years, I've decided to splash out a bit and get a proper HiFi setup. The room where it will all go measures roughly 12ft x 7ft. After reading lots of reviews and opinions, I've decided on the Monitor Audio Bronze BR2's, and possibly a Roksan Kandy L3 MKIII, but would this setup be a bit 'too much' for this size room?

Im planning on using a PC as the audio source for now, with all my music ripped to FLAC, and a decent sound card.

Quick question about speaker stand sizing. For each stand it gives a top plate size, does this have to be the same as the speaker or is it just a general size and all speakers will fit all stands?
I think that system will work together very well, but I'd question whether you need to spend as much as that on an amplifier. I'd be thinking more along the lines of a Rotel RA-04 (£250) or the Pioneer A-A6-J (£350), either of which would be more than powerful enough to drive the Monitor Audios in a room of that size.

Regrading stand top-plates, it's sensible to get stands with top-plates fairly near to the plan dimensions (width x depth) of the speakers, but most stands will have smaller top-plates than this. The use of upward-facing spikes or blobs of Blu-tack will hold the speaker in place.

The BR2s aren't huge, at 19cm wide x 25cm deep - they'd be fine on stands such as the Partington Trophy (top-plate or Atacama's Nexus 2 stands, which have a top-plate around 14.5cm wide.
Thanks for the reply Andrew. I've read alot of good reviews about the Rotel and had considered it. I've manged to find a second hand one for £165, which seems pretty cheap to me, and Id obviously save myself quite a bit of money. Would that plus the BR2's be a decent setup?
The Rotel RA-04 and the MA BR2 are a perfect match IMO. They sound amazing for the money.

Question for Andrew ;

Is the Pioneer A-A6-J just as good as the Rotel RA-04 ?
I ended up picking up an exdemo Rotel RA-04, now I just need the speakers 🙂

I was wondering, would it be okay to mount the BR2'S on speaker wall mounts? Or maybe have them standing on a desk?


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