Audio Affair have got back to me. See below:
Thank you for your e-mail and apologies for any
inconvenience. To ensure I reply to all of your questions, I will reply to each
individually below in italics:
Dear Audio Affair (copied to Henley and Roksan),
Here is what has
happened in the last week:
Monday: Henley emailed me to request
pictures of the damage to the box, which I provided.
Tuesday: You
phoned me and offered to replace the amplifier with a new K2 model as the LIII
is no longer in production. You then emailed me a link so that I could have a
look at the amp's spec. I emailed you straight back, accepting your offer and
requested that you pick up the damaged amp and deliver the new amp on
Friday: You emailed and phoned me to ask why I hadn't responded
to your offer. I explained that I had in fact done this (my email was appended
to the bottom of yours, so you had presumably hit "reply" without actually
reading the email I sent you), and you told me that the message had not got
through because one of your employees was off work on Wednesday and Thursday.
I pointed out that I had confirmed this on the Tuesday.
This may have been a miscommunication
with customer services. We recently had a new member of staff start and new
systems put in place all within the last week to ensure problems such as this
are dealt with as quickly as possible - this is a training
issue which we have resolved.
You told me the lengthy
delay in returning the original amp was due to Roksan.
Roksan previously
told me in an email that they would "turnaround within
72 hours."
From the information provided by
our customer services manager, Roksan looked at the amplifier as quickly as
possible and we contacted you immediately when it arrived back with us.
You told me that you intend to, and I quote, "honour the warranty,
even though the amplifier was purchased quite a long time ago". Can I point
out that this unit was purchased in February, and has a two-year
You may have misunderstood what we
discussed on the phone. The item is of course provided with a 2 year warranty,
which is honoured by the retailer with any problems being repaired. Under the
circumstances, rather than you waiting for a further repair or an alternative
amplifier of similar value (which would be £389.98 as determined by half of
the value of the Twin Pack purchased at £779.95), we have offered a brand new
Kandy K2 amplifier in silver (worth £895).
You told me that
you did not have the K2 in stock (although it is listed as "in stock" on your
website) and so it could not be sent for delivery today (Saturday). You also
told me that it would be impossible to pick up the old amp other than on a
weekday. I told you that I was not able to make arrangements for someone to
wait in for a courier yet again, and that it is not possible for me to have
the amp picked up from my workplace. The conversation effectively ended in
The K2 was of course in stock and this
was confirmed on the phone - the difficulty was due to the fact that you
wanted a delivery and collection at the same time on the same day which we did
not have time to arrange and we asked if you could check for any possible
alternative arrangements and call us back.
You then phoned me again minutes later, to tell me that the damaged amp
would be picked up that same day (Friday) and that the replacement K2 would be
delivered the next day, i.e. today (Saturday). I had to give you the correct
address yet again, I think for the fifth time.
You then phoned me
again, to ask who I had contacted on Tuesday; it was in fact the person who I
was speaking to, the same person who had responed to the email I had sent on
I emailed you to reconfirm the pickup and delivery
arrangements, and you acknowledged this.
The damaged amp was indeed
picked up on Friday afternoon.
Saturday: Today I spent all day at home
waiting for the courier, who never arrived.
I have to say that I have
never experienced such shambolic customer service. Please make arrangements as
K2 amplifier in
Silver to be delivered to (address) next Saturday.
Please confirm this to me via
email. Please conduct any further communications in this matter via email, not
by phone, as I would like a written record of what is agreed.
The request for Saturday delivery was sent to
warehouse as an urgency. We will investigate what happened, and as requested,
we will ensure the amplifier is redelivered next
Thank you again for your patience and
apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Kind regards
Managing Director So there you have it. I shall await next Saturday. My name isn't John though