Appreciate your involvment Andy!
Been watching the set tonight and am beginning to feel like a right moaner as it looks superb BUT that's the damn internet for ya.
so many other UK owners returning sets, getting refunds you start to second guess yourself and think "am I a mug for paying out nearly 3000GBP for this and its basically got a design flaw"
the answer you usually come back to is yes. The Sony dealer are also pushing sony for a statement so that I can make a decision one way or the other. If for example Sony said "ok we'll sort it, modified sets available in a month, or two" then i'd be happy to wait and hang on to existing unit under the promise they'd swap it out immediately a modded one was in the UK, no problem.
Sadly noone seems willing to say yeigh or neigh so are you glass half empty or glass half full? the cynic in me is starting to think Sony know what the issue is (they've basically said as much) but have possibly come to the conclusion they'll ride it out and just try harder with next years flagship set.
Honestly if that is their answer that is also fine, no hard feelings Sony, I still like the brand but at least then I can make an informed decision and just send it back for a full refund and then its back to the drawing board for a new TV 🙁
Looking forward to any input you can gain....also be really keen to see What HiFi get a 55" HX923 in...you can come borrow mine if you like!!! to see what you make of it. If you beleive the US forums Sony US have apparently told customers the issue is caused by the adhesive on the glass not curing correctly....Sony UK have not denied that but have basically said on their public forum that that is accurate and sony manufacturing is classing it as an "edge artefact" which sounds like code for "defect we cannot be bothered to fix" 🙂
Been watching the set tonight and am beginning to feel like a right moaner as it looks superb BUT that's the damn internet for ya.
so many other UK owners returning sets, getting refunds you start to second guess yourself and think "am I a mug for paying out nearly 3000GBP for this and its basically got a design flaw"
the answer you usually come back to is yes. The Sony dealer are also pushing sony for a statement so that I can make a decision one way or the other. If for example Sony said "ok we'll sort it, modified sets available in a month, or two" then i'd be happy to wait and hang on to existing unit under the promise they'd swap it out immediately a modded one was in the UK, no problem.
Sadly noone seems willing to say yeigh or neigh so are you glass half empty or glass half full? the cynic in me is starting to think Sony know what the issue is (they've basically said as much) but have possibly come to the conclusion they'll ride it out and just try harder with next years flagship set.
Honestly if that is their answer that is also fine, no hard feelings Sony, I still like the brand but at least then I can make an informed decision and just send it back for a full refund and then its back to the drawing board for a new TV 🙁
Looking forward to any input you can gain....also be really keen to see What HiFi get a 55" HX923 in...you can come borrow mine if you like!!! to see what you make of it. If you beleive the US forums Sony US have apparently told customers the issue is caused by the adhesive on the glass not curing correctly....Sony UK have not denied that but have basically said on their public forum that that is accurate and sony manufacturing is classing it as an "edge artefact" which sounds like code for "defect we cannot be bothered to fix" 🙂