Faulty HDMI or AV reciever HDMI input !


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2008
I recently bought a new Blu-ray player which means buying a new HDMI lead and then swapping things around on the Onkyo 606 i put Blu-ray player into DVD INPUT and Ps3 HDMI ( IXOS) into the GAME/TV input which i had never used since i bought my reciecer,i was playing on my ps3 when all of a sudden i get a shushing sound but the picture was ok, so i turned off reciever swapped HDMI leads and the sound and picture weas fine when on PS3 i then cleaned up the IXOS hdmi lead put it back in and it was fine. So my question is do i have a faulty HDMI lead or could it be the input on the Onkyo was dirty/ dusty as it had not been used before ? also can you buy blanks or something to cover up inputs that are not in use ? Thanks.


most likely the audio codec crashed on the ps3. its all software driven in the end, reboot the box and should be fine like any other game unless its a bug, then a update patch should clear it if the devs have one available.

a faulty cable or connector may create artifacts in the picture and missing/corupted sound at the same time as the frame and sound is mapped together in the same data packet. swop out the cable with another to check this if the fault continues.