I recently bought a new Blu-ray player which means buying a new HDMI lead and then swapping things around on the Onkyo 606 i put Blu-ray player into DVD INPUT and Ps3 HDMI ( IXOS) into the GAME/TV input which i had never used since i bought my reciecer,i was playing on my ps3 when all of a sudden i get a shushing sound but the picture was ok, so i turned off reciever swapped HDMI leads and the sound and picture weas fine when on PS3 i then cleaned up the IXOS hdmi lead put it back in and it was fine. So my question is do i have a faulty HDMI lead or could it be the input on the Onkyo was dirty/ dusty as it had not been used before ? also can you buy blanks or something to cover up inputs that are not in use ? Thanks.