Fatman iTube Carbon Edition or Logic3 Valve 80?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm interesting in buying a hybrid valve amplifier for my iPod and to connect a turntable to..

Does anybody have any experience with either of these amps or know enough about them to recommend which I choose to get?

Also would you recommend me using the speakers they are provided with, or buying the amp seperately with different speakers?

How do vinyls sound through these amps?

not heard the logic but the review for it on here wasn't great - seems to be a direct copy of the fatman but not as good

i do own the fatman and can report its a great little device and one i would highly recommend - personally think that valves give compresed files a little warmth back. the fatman also has tone controls to alter both the bass and treble - i would porb buy without the speakers if funds allow - i use mine with a pair of ma br1s however i did recently pick up a pair of the matching speakers new off ebay for like 30 quid and they do feel a little cheap and mines have glue marks around the cones where mounte to the speakers which you can't see with the front on but the high gloss does match the unit perfectly - not plugged them in yet so can't comment on their sound
Without doubt choose the Fatman.
The Fatman Is indeed the more reliable unit of the two and just sounds so much better.


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