Furthermore, not enough discussion has taken place on different cable types and how they can/can't differ. I personally think that USB and digital cables do differ as much as analogue cables.
I tried to give this some real context a couple of posts back... I think we disagree. ;-) Would be interested to hear if you can back up this theory of yours in any way. How about blind testing with your wife? Share the results!
The above was my last post of the night and was being typed and posted at the same time as yours. I had been on the sauce after a long day so there is a slight error which I have to correct. The above should say 'do not differ as much as analogue cables'. OOps, apologies. That is based purely on swapping around USB cables, I can't comment on other digital cables. But I agree with you and Tarquinh, I do not see how digital cables that are made to the correct standard can differ. But I will keep an opening for the other view when I upgrade the TV setup and enter the relms of HDMI, because I find it hard to dismiss the many who say there is a difference.
As to my general theory as to why differences can be heard, I offer it as a theory to be discussed, not as I have the solution. Again, I find it hard to dismiss those who say they can hear a difference. Two examples of why are bit rate comparison tests, so can spot the differences easily and get them right, some (including me) find it a lot harder. So could it not be the case that it is just the 'golden eared' ones who can tell the difference? Again, that is a theory, I have nothing but anecdotal evidence to back it up.
As for the wife, she is a 'golden eared' one. I was not going to bother with a blind USB test as I cannot hear a difference. But maybe she can, so I will and share the results. It may take a day or two as she is often 'busy' when it comes to hifi!