EB2 delivery times and amplifier


New member
Aug 10, 2019
To the latter first, an unexpected opportunity has arisen to acquire a new amp to go with (eventually) a pair of EB2s. Nothing as extravagant as the previously recommended Roksan Caspian would be in the budget and buying second-hand is an option. As a new purchase maybe a Marantz PM6003 is an option? Primary source is a DAC Magic, maybe an rDAC as HD-streaming solution evolves...

The delivery times question was just to help set my internal expectations - how long are EB2 owners finding it takes for the speakers to arrive?
Can't speak for current times, but I ordered on 4th June and they arrived on 27th July. So about 7 1/2 weeks.
Excellent, I'm on about 7 weeks so hopefully any day now 😉
@willgaunt Oh, and it seems the Jolida would be more or less in budget - recommended?
I hope you are right about the 8 weeks, I am into week six now.

They did actually mention 6-8 weeks dependent on finish required. I have tried to email them but have had no reply.

Guess I'll have to give Richard a ring!
Mine were in light oak, I understand they were doing a batch of Arcaydis in black this week... The new look website no longer has an email address which does seem to accurately represent the usefulness of emailing them!
@willgaunt Oh, and it seems the Jolida would be more or less in budget - recommended?

With the right tubes it can sound pretty good, and I've certainly liked it more than many others I've heard under £500 Plenty of power and grip (in my limited experience) although possibly not the last word in transparency. Can be bought at a reasonable price though. Trouble is, it's difficult, if not impossible, to get a demo. I'm currently looking at upgrading. Trying corresponding power amp first (to bi-amp) with the long term aim of getting a decent preamp. Thinking of moving up within their range as things stand, but open to other options.


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