FrankHarveyHiFi:RCduck7: The Dynaudio's sounded good and a bit soft (laid back) on my modest amp (didn't bring my powerfull amp to the listening session).
The Spendors were in the same league but sounded even more softer (maybe too soft).
The Rocksan speakers sounded to bright but the salesmen said that it was becausse my amp couldn't control the other speakers.
Don't know how much about that holds the thruth but in the past the Dynaudio's sounded great on my powerful amp to compared to other speakers in the past.There is an element of truth there, even though it might seem far fetched. When an amplifier doesn't have control of a speaker properly, more often than not you'll get a soft, warm, easy going sound with no real dynamics or punch. Some speakers are naturally on the brighter side of neutral, but this can be exaggerated when the amp isn't doing it's job. Some manufacturers have an undeserved reputation of being bright/harsh because more often than not their products aren't demonstrated properly.
Most speakers when driven properly will sound much more punchy and dynamic. So if your speakers sound soft and lack any sort of impact, you need a better amplifier
Mmh... Not sure, the soft sounding speakers were one of the easiest to drive, i liked them very much, it was controlled and easy to listening to.
The others like Rocksan had splashy tweeter sound and sounded to loud and tiring on the low Watts amp.
I have to compare Dynaudio to Klipsh on this amp becausse Klipsch has one of the easiest to drive speakers.